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Psychology As a development branch of functionalism

Psychology As a development branch of functionalism

Psychology As a development branch of functionalism - Fungsionalisme a growing stream of psychology in the United States pioneered by William James. Which so interest in this genre that is what happens in a psychological activity and what the objectives of the activity. As the name suggests, the flow is going to study the function of behavior or mental processes, not just studying its structure. To be able to conduct my study of the function, the functionalist develop experimental methods in addition to the introspection method still used despite the many criticisms. The method often used is the method of observation of behavior that consists of two, namely physiological and method of variation of conditions.

Psychology As a development branch of functionalism_
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Lucious Arnold Gessel (1880-1961)

Gesell dillahirkan at Alma, Wisconsin, On June 21, 1880 and died in New Haven, Connecticut, on May 29, 1961. He belaja psychology at Clark University and received a Ph.D in 1906. In 1911 he founded the clinic of child development in Yale University, New Haven, which diketuainya until he retired in 1948. While at Yale he studied again, this time in the field of medical science and successfully mecapai medical degree (MD) in 1915. Furthermore, he was active as editor of the Journal of Genetic Psychology since 1926.

Gesell known as the Father of Child Psychology, but this is mainly due to his initiative for the first time to set up clinics for children's development than theories or methods. The method used in researches Gesell is a method that is simple but careful observation with the help of tools such as film cameras and mirrors unidirectional (one-way mirror) and methods of observations of behavior under conditions of controlled tests. From observations it Gesell tried to explain the child's behavior, his theories are not convincing enough, because they weak method. The number of children who maketh the sample in the study only eleven people, making it very difficult draw general conclusions from a very limited sample it. In addition, Gesell merely descriptive approach, no attempt to menerangkanlebih far the factors that would influence a child's behavior. The process of development of the child's behavior is only viewed as a mechanistic, following the natural cycles and are determined by factors Bawan. He was less take into account individual differences and cultural and social influences on behavior.

Lewis Madison Terman (1877-1956)

Terman was born in Johnsom County, Indiana, USA, on January 15, 1877 and died in Stanford, on December 21, 1956. He obtained his PhD in 1905 at Clark University under the leadership of Stanley Hall, and since 1910 he became professor associate and then full professor in the Department of Education, Stanford University, to death.

Terman is a very prolific in the publication. Publications totaled 200 titles, and he is well known as those who do a lot of research in the field of measurement and the development of intelligence. In his book The Measurement of Intelligence (1926) Terman revise the test created by Binet and Simon (Binet-Simon test).

In addition to the investigations of the intelligence test, Terman also investigated the famous people and smart people (gifted persons). In his book Genetic Studies of Genius (1926) he analyzed 300 famous historical figures of the works, books, sayings and deeds are recorded in the literature to establish the IQ of each of the characters. Some leaders say as has an IQ as follows: Goethe = 210; Descartes = 180, Napoleon = 145.

Another study by Terman is the relationship between masculinity and femininity in groups of different age, occupation and gender, the report is written in the book of sex and personality (1936). Also worth noting here his study of the psychological factors that influence marital happiness dala. The study that will be useful for the marriage counselor as well as for the reporting of the couple in the book of psychological Factors in Marital Happiness (1938).

One thing that became characteristic Terman in his observations is that he limits himself to the descriptions of descriptive only and avoid as far as possible the questions that theoretical (theoretical statements).

Henry Alexander Murray (1893-1988)

Figure born in New York (May 13, 1893) he initially studied biology and medicine. He worked as an instructor in physiology at Harvard and as a surgeon at the Presbyterian Hopitasl, New York. He also worked at the Rockefeller Institute fo Medicine, New York.

In 1927 he achieved his Ph.D. at Harvard, where he became interested in psychology, especially psychoanalysis lairan Jung. In the same year he became an instructor in psychology at Harvard despite not having the basic academic in that field. In 1928 he became an associate professor and director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic, 1943 entered military service in the medical corps, and in 1947 returned to Harvard became a professor of psychology.

Peranna Murray in psychology is a field of diagnosis of personality and personality theory. He developed various personality evaluation techniques, particularly the technique of projection. One test that is made is the thematic apperception test. Each image reflects a situation that with a certain atmosphere, for example a picture of a boy who was sitting alone, a man was talking dengna an older woman, a woman was peering into ebuah room, a man without life was climbing rope etc. The pictures were shown one by one to the person who checked and people were asked to tell his opinion about the picture satau impression. Cerit aorang who checked it dicatatat then analyzed to determine the personality of the person. Theoretically it is said that people who see the pictures in the test it will project his personality contents preformance stories.

Murray's theory of personality (personality) is very complex. He stressed that the personality is a complicated system. Personologi because he used the term to indicate the special science memperlajari personality structure. In his theory of personality, Murray was much influenced by Freud. The concepts of id, ego and superego are used also by Murray without changes. He also uses the concepts of phase direction, the direction and genital. He agrees with Freud about the fixation and khatharsis. He also agreed that childhood influence adult personality. But in contrast to Freud that emphasizes the impulses of sex as a basis tingkha behavior, Murray put more emphasis on the motive. From his observations using projection tests, he suggested the 28 requirements (needs) basis which is on each person. -Self-referential basic needs are closely related to the pressures that come from objects and events that occur in the environment, resulting in a certain behavior.

Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

He was born in Neuchatel, Switzerland. He got a Ph.D in 1918 at the University of Neuchatel, not in psychology, but in animal science. He then worked at the University of Sorbonne in Paris and afterwards at the institute JJ Rousseau in Geneva. In 1925, more concretely began to appear his interest shifted toward philosophy, with diangkatnyaia be teachers of philosophy, dengna appointment he became a teacher of philosophy in Neuchatel in 1929 he was appointed professor menajadi in "scientific thought" in Geneva. Then in 1940 he was a real plunge into the world of psychology to be direktru psychology laboratory at the University of Geneva and an advanced editor of the Archives de Psychologie and Swiss Revue de Psychologie. He was never elected as chairman of the Swiss Society for Psychologie.

People who still remain productive until the end of his life, it is a very important figure in developmental psychology. His theories in developmental psychology that promotes the element of consciousness (cognitive) recently re-crowded adopted person, so as to appreciate his services, the International Congress of Psychology held in Paris in 1976, has held a special ceremony to celebrate the birthday of Piaget in which he himself gave his speech and reiterated the theories is famous for.

Piaget can become so famous and important role in the world because of psychology theories, methods and fields of research that developed the original, not merely to continue the things that have first found someone else. He is interested particularly in investigations of theoretical and experimental to qualitative changes in a cognitive during the development process, and try to explain in logical mathematical language. Things were never studied Piaget among others, is the development of intelligence, perception, language, moral, kausalita, space, time, motion, logic, genetic epistimologi and others.

In Piaget's theory of intelligence to distinguish between general theory of intelligence that applies at every level of development and special theories associated with certain developmental level. In theory, the general (non-phasic) Piaget to explain the origin of intelligence of behavior-behavior that a low level. He believes that all the behavior of both external and internal (ie thinking) aimed at adaptation. Adaptation regarded as a balance that moves constantly between the environment on the individual assimilation and accommodation of individuals in their environment. If adaptation within biological life are physical, psychological adaptation in life is more functional. Cognitive development by Piaget is considered as the balance of the increase of the level of assimilation to the level of accommodation.

In the theory of the developmental levels of intelligence, Piaget distinguishes four levels of development of cognitive structures:

  • Sensorismotor intelligence, there is children aged 0-2 tahun.kemampuan child was still limited to sensory stimuli and give reactions mechanistic motor automatically.
  • Pre-operational representation, occurs between the ages of 2-7 years. In this phase of the formation of symbols to allow the child's future thinking. The nature of the child at this age is still centered on self (ego-centric).
  • Concrete operation, occurs 7-11 years of age. In this stage the child is no longer "ego-centric", but much outward, to the concrete objects. He is active and move around, but his actions always can not be separated things concrete.
  • Formal operational, occurs between 11-15 years old. Individuals here are no longer tied to the objects real or concrete, he is able to draw up conclusions and hypotheses on the basis of symbols semata.mata.

Louis Leon Thurstone (1887-1955)

Thurstone was born in Chicago on May 29, 1887 and died in Chapel Hill on September 29, 1955. Basic education is studied electrical engineering at Cornell University. In 1914 he began studying psychology in Chicago and at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. Because basic education that comes from the engineering field, then Thurstone become leaders in the field of psikometeri (psychological measurements). As an associate professor (1924) and then full professor (1927) in Chicago, Thurstone established the psychometric laboratories, establishing psychometric society and publishes the journal psychometrika. He became the first president in psychometric society (1936) and once the Presidential of the American Psychological Association (1932).

In a well-known method dengna psikomterinya Thurstone factor analysis approach. With the approach of the analysis of these factors, he conveyed to the conclusion that in intelligence there is no common factors (general factor), but there is only khusu factor (Specific Factors). He argues that there are seven of the most basic factor S, which he called "primary mental abilities", namely:

  1. Understanding verbal (verbal comprehension).
  2. Ability figures (numerical ability)
  3. Spatial vision (spatial visualization)
  4. Sensing capabilities (perceptual abilities)
  5. Memory (memory)
  6. Reasoning (reasoning)
  7. Smoothness of words (word fluency).

Another aspect of concern is the Thurstone attitude (attitude). He argues that attitudes can be measured, and therefore he developed a technique to measure the attitude of the so-called scale attitude (attitude scale). Thurstone attitude scale creation is called Thurstone scale. Thurstone works, among others: the Measurement of Attitude (1929), the Vectors of Mind (1935) and the Primary Mental Abilities (1938).

Sir Godfrey Hilton Thomson (1881-1955)

British leaders have got a Ph.D in 1906 diUniversitas dankemudian Strasbourg became a professor in educational psychology at the University of Edinburgh's Moray House Training College also in Edinburgh, Scotland (1925-1951).

Thomson developed the "Moray House Test" is a verbal test to complete the kids who are too intelligent (gifted children). Thomson inquiry investigation was mainly on children who are very clever. He is also an expert in how to approach the analysis of the factors, but contrary to Thurstone he did not admit the theory of "multiple fctors" dalma intelligence. Instead he also opposes the theory raised by Spearmn saying that the intelligence and there are two factors, namely G and factor S (two factors theory). Thomson put forward his own theory called "sampling theory" and said that the achievements of consciousness is determined by a large number of independent factors, but only a small number (sample) of the factors that are really operational in certain moments or in certain situations.

Thomson works include The Essentials of Mental Measurement (1911), The Factorial Analysis of Human Ability (1939).

Refleksisme, purposive psychology and Behaviorism

Ivan Petrovich Pavlop (1849-1936): Bachelor of Russia was born in Rjasan on 14 September 1849 and died in Leningrad on February 27, 1936. Actually, he was not a degree in psychology, and he did not want to be called as a psychologist, because he is a scholar physiologist fanatic. His way of thinking is completely thinking physiologist, in fact he was very anti to psychology because he considered less scientific. In the development of his researches he has always tried to avoid the concepts or terms of psychology.

Nevertheless, the role of Pavlop in psychology is very important, because her study of reflexes will form the basis for the development of psychological behaviorism flow. His view of the most important is that the psychic activity is actually nothing other than a series of mere reflexes. Therefore, to study the psychic activity we learn enough reflexes alone. Pandangna which actually stems from a character named IMSechenov another Russian, I. M which many pavlop mengetahi is then used as the basis of the view also by JB Watson in the United States in behaviorismenya flow after obtaining the necessary changes.

Basic education pavlop indeed physiology. At first he studied physiology of animals and then medicine at the University of St.Petersburg. In 1883 he received his PhD. After defending his thesis about the functions of the heart muscles. Then for two years he studied in Leipzig and Breslau. In 1890 he became a professor of pharmacology at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg and Director of the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in St. Petersburg. Between 1895-1924 he was a professor of physiology at the Russian Academy in Leningrad. In 1904 he received the Nobel prize for his research on digestion.

Pavlov crucial discovery in the history of psiikologi is the result of investigations on reflessk conditioned. With this discovery Pavlov laid the foundations of behaviorism, while laying the groundwork for research on the learning process and the development of learning theories. Even the American Psychological Association (APA) recognizes that Pavlop is the biggest influence in modern psychology in addition to Freud.

As for the course of experiments on the conditioned reflex conducted by Pavlop are as follows: Pavlov using a dog as an animal experiment. The dog was tied up and operated in such a way that part of his jaw, seingga each saliva coming out can be accommodated and a measured amount. Pavlop then pressing a button dna out a bowl of food in front of the dog trials. In reaction to the emergence of food, the dog would salivate dapt seen clearly pad aalat penukur. The food that came out called the conditioned stimulation and saliva coming out after seeing a dog food called no unconditioned reflex, as every dog ​​will do the same reflex kalaumelihat same stimuli as well. Then in subsequent experiments Pavlop rang a bell every time he was about to put out food.

Thus the dog will hear the bell before he saw the food appears in front of him. This experiment was performed repeatedly, and during the discharge of saliva was observed continuously. At first salivating just came out after anjingmelihat food, but over time the saliva was out at the time a new dog heard the bell. Discharge of saliva after the dog heard the bell called a conditioned reflex, reflex is the result of continuous laithan and only dogs that have been mendapt exercise alone can do it. Buzzer become conditioned stimuli. If the practice continues, then at some time the release of saliva after the dog heard the sound of the bell will still occur even if there is no more food to follow the sound of the bell.

In other words, a conditioned reflex will persist despite unconditioned stimulus was no longer there. At a more advanced level, the buzzer is preceded by a burning lamp, then over time the saliva is already out after the dog saw lights even though he did not hear the buzzer or see the food afterwards. Thus the unconditioned stimuli can be connected with other unconditioned stimuli that animal experiments can maintain the conditioned reflex walaupn no unconditioned stimuli are no longer given. Indeed, the absence of excitatory not unconditioned can only be done to a certain extent, because if it's too long time no stimulation is not unconditioned, animal experiments that would not be compensated for reflex that has been done and therefore reflex that the longer will makiin disappear and there ekstinksi or process pengahpusan reflex.

Conclusion ayng obtained from this experiment is that the behavior is actually nothing other than a series of reflex berkondis, the reflexes that occur after the process of conditioning in which the reflexes that had been associated with the stimuli is not conditioned over time associated with excitatory conditioned.

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