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History of Psychology Functionalism According Opinions Experts

History of Psychology Functionalism According Opinions Experts

History of Psychology Functionalism According Opinions Experts - functionalism is a growing stream of psychology in the United States pioneered by William James. That interest this flow is what happens in an activity psychology and what the objectives of the activity. As the name implies, the flow is going to study the function of behavior or mental processes, not just studying its structure. To be able to conduct my study of the function, the functionalist develop experimental methods in addition to the introspection method still used despite the many criticisms. The method often used is the method of observation of behavior that consists of two, namely physiological and method of variation of conditions.

Physiological method is to describe the behavior of the corner of anatomy and physiology. So the behavior "see" is explained by studying the body parts and nerves which are involved in the behavior and physiological processes that occur. But not all behavior can be described anatomically or physiologically. Angry behavior, for example, are not sufficiently analyzed anatomically and physiologically, because there is a psychological element in it. For behavior that has a psychological element then use the second method, namely: method of variation of conditions. This method is actually an experimental method of flow functionalism. In this method the condition, stimulus or stimuli to a trial varied or altered. Then observed the reactions arising from each change that condition. By studying the reaction turned to the stimulus change as well, it can look for the relationship between behavior and stimuli. In order to know the function of each behavior of the condition or a particular stimulus.

History of Psychology Functionalism According Opinions Experts_
image source: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Besides the observation of behavior, the flow of functionalism still using instospeksi, but only as a complement to learn things that can not be examined by the two other methods. According to functionalism flow, methods of introspection too subjective nature making it harder and harder disistematikan quantified. People experiment in methods of introspection has an inclination to present the results of introspection that only benefit himself or roughly be pleasing researchers. Because of the possibility of deviation is greater.

I. William James (1842-1910)

James was born on November 1, 1842 New York City. His studies major in psychology who wrote in his book Principles of Psychology (1890) became one of the bases used by modern psychology. James was a pioneer of American psychology aligned with Wundt. Together with John Dewey, James set up the flow of functionalism and he is also a supporter of the theory of evolutionism.

James way of thinking that seeks close as possible to reality has to extremes in expressing his opinion. For example in emotion theory, which attempts to explain the relationship between the physiological changes with the state-emotional circumstances. Before James, a philosopher Carl Lange Danish nationality had argued that emotions are identical to changes in the circulatory system. Then James develop further this theory, according to a person of emotion is the result of the perception of the changes that occur in the body as a response to a stimulus-ransangana coming from outside. So the emotion of fear arises because a person perceives his leg muscles themselves are being run after he saw a tiger. In other words, one becomes afraid because flee, not flee for fear. James denied that emosilah that causes changes in the body.

In between donations theory in psychology is about the concept of self-consciousness (self). He saw consciousness as human adaptation in its efforts to maintain the kind and himself (the theory of evolution). This awareness is something that is not static, but rather an ongoing process, so the psychology of human nature is dynamic. Of "self", James distinguishes two different aspects are inseparable "I" (I) and "I'm a social" (social me). "I" is the part of ourselves as knowing something. "I am a social" is the self as something which is known to be material, social or spiritual.

II. John Dewey (1859- 1952)

He was a professor at the University of Chicago, who in 1886 wrote a book called psychology. In this book he introduced the study the psychology of the American way, which means that prioritizes pragmatism. Because of pragmatism, the US scholars pskologi less interested in the question of "What is the soul?", But the important thing for them is the question of whether usability soul (behavior). Because that stood flow functionalism.

This is manifested in science education, Dewey put forward the theory of "learning by doing. In theory, he argues that in order to learn something, do not need too many people to study it, because basically he will master the movements or actions were right, so that he can master it learned perfectly. For example, people would learn to swim, do not need to be taught a variety of theories, but enough he immediately told to get in the pool and start berenng, quickly he will master the ability to swim it.

Dewey's pragmatic attitude of thinking was based on the philosophy "thinking men usually think about change" (human thinking always about change). He does not believe that there are people who think only of thought alone (think as they are). Everything must have a purpose and that purpose is a change. Based on the Dewey opposed elementisme theory, he stated that the behavior of the unity between action and reaction.

III. James Rowland Angell (1869-1949)

Since 1906, Angell became President of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is in the position that he is famous for his paper entitled "The Province of funcitonal Psyhcology" he argued in his paper three kinds of views on functionalism:

Functionalism is the psychology of "mental operation" (the activity of the workings of the soul), as opposed to the psychology of the mental elements
Functionalism is the psychology of basic utilities of consciousness, in which the soul (mind) is an intermediary between the environment and the needs of the organism. This is also known as emergency theory of consciousness. For ordinary circumstances that is not emergendi (daruruat), whose function is custom (habit).
Fungsioanlisme is psikofisi, the psychology of the whole organism composed of body and soul. He also study the things that are outside of awareness, for example habits (habit) and semi-conscious (half consciousness).

IV. James McKeen Cattell (1860-1944)

Functionalism flow figures based in Columbia based on a isntitut teacher, the Teacher's College of Columbia. The distinctive feature of this genre is "freedom in studying the behavior" reflected in two views on functionalism:

Functionalism does not need adopts dualism, because human beings are considered as a whole as a unity.
Functionalism does not need to be descriptive in studying the behavior, because what is important is the function of behavior, so that should be studied is the relationship (correlation) between the behavior with the behavior of the other, or between a behavior with something that is happening in the environment.

Because of this freedom, then functionalism fast growing, not only in the US but also in Europe because it is practical and pragmatic. Thus stimulating the growth of the branches of the new science of psychology such as physiological psychology, abnorml psychology, clinical psychology, industrial psychology, educational psychology dna forth.

Cattell was born on May 25, 1860 in Pennsylvania and studied under the supervision of Wundt. During the study in Leipziglah he began tertari k on individual differences. Using laboratory facilities in Leipzig, Catell get individual differences can be studied without using introspection. Of course this is not approved by a teacher who were fanatical introspection method. Wundt prohibit Cattell using laboratory for experiments themselves. Upon his return to America, he continued his experiments with finding what is called mental capacity. On the basis of its findings on its capacity of individuals is then Cattell create ala-measurement tools and the capacity of individual abilities, which became known as Psikotes or Mental test.

Over time, Cattell became a professor in a university in the United States and became the President of the first International Congress of Psychology (1929). He founded the "psychological corporation" which aims to introduce psychology to the public, the public interest and develop prakti psychology (applied psychology).

V. Edward Lee THorndkie (1874-1949)

Thorndike was born in Williamsburg on August 31 1874 and died in Montrose, New York, on August 10, 1949, is another figure of functionalism flow Columbia group. While working at the Teacher's College of Columbia he was interested in learning, education and intelligence. In 1898, Thorndike published his book Animal Intelligence, An Experimental Study of Association Process in Animal. This book is the result of research on behavior Thorndike several animal species such as cats, dogs and birds, reflects the basic principles of learning (learning) is none other than the actual association. A stimulus (S), will menumbulkan a response (R) specific. This theory is called as a S-R. In the SR theory says that the learning process was first organisms (animals, people) to learn by trial and error (trial and error).

If the organism is in a situation that contains the problem, then it will issue a series of organism behavior of a collection of behaviors available to him to solve that problem. One or more of a series of behavior by chance would be able to solve that problem, and based on that experience, then at other times when he faced similar problems, the organism already know the behavior which should be issued to solve the problem. He was associate a particular problem with a particular behavior.

In the process of learning to follow the principle of trial and this one, there are several laws proposed Thorndike:

Securities Law (The Law of Effect): the intensity of the relationship between S and R will increase if the relationship was followed by favorable circumstances. Instead, the relationship will be reduced, if followed by unpleasant circumstances. Thus, any behavior that results in certain kepuasana the situation will be associated premises. So, if the situation appears again. Then the behavior will appear again. In the example above the cat in a cage, the behavior will be associated dengna pedal pleasant situation because free from the cage. With his theory Thorndike said as adherents of the new associationism.
Training law (The Law of Exercise): the relationship between the SR can also be caused or encouraged through repetitive exercises. Thus, this means also, SR relationship may weaken if not trained or done repeatedly, because keguaan R to a certain S in the latter case no longer be felt or increasingly disappearing in the organism in question.

In connection with the above securities law theories, Thorndike until the investigation of the "transfer of training". In his book written with another character named Woodworth kelomok Columbia, Thorndike argued that what was learned earlier will affect what is learned later. If it is learned then has much in common with the previous study, there will be a positive transfer in which a new thing it will not be too difficult to learn. For example, people who have never learned to ride, will not be too difficult to learn to drive a horse-drawn carriage. Conversely, if the thing can be studied later and things learned earlier there are many differences, it will be difficult to learn later that, and here occurred teransfer negative. For example, a person who has been used to write dengna right hand, kaan very difficult to learn to write with his left hand, left hand for writing dengna entirely different way than writing with his right hand. The principle of this transfer megenai then diamalkannya into the world of education and written in the book of Educational Psychology (1903) and because of his achievements that Thorndike finally appointed professor at the Teacher's College of Columbia.

VI. Robert Sessions Woodworth (1869-1962)

Woodworth earned M.A. from Harvard University in 1897, and later received his Ph.D. in 1899 at Columbia under the guidance of James McKeen Cattell in the field of psychology. After that, he had visited England several times in Germany even in 1912, he never met with Kulpe and Wundt, respectively in Bonn and Leipzig. Not surprisingly, Woodworth was a very broad vision and respected person until his retirement at the age of 89 CE.

The starting point is the establishment of Woodworth in psychology functionalism, but in contrast to other functionalism figures, Woodworth was not sufficiently studied the relation SR alone, but more important than that, he felt compelled to study the dynamics of the relationship anyway SR. How is the relationship, how the development of the relationship in a situation that is constantly changing, it all must be learned if we are to recognize human behavior very well. Pahamnya he presented in his book Dynamic Psychology (1918) led to Woodworth should be classified in psychodynamic sect.

In his capacity as adherents of psychodynamic, Woodworth held that the method of introspection does not necessarily have to be disposed of so easily in psychological research. Even to learn morivasi, which is an underlying behavior, a researcher must use this method of introspection. This distinguishes it again from the adherents of functionalism others. In fact, because of the great interest in the study of motivation as the basis for human behavior, Woodworth often referred to as the man who pioneered the science of motives.

A few articles about the History of Psychology Fungsionalisme According to the opinion of the experts.
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