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Definition of Convergence Theory in Psychology According to Expert Along Example

Definition of Convergence Theory in Psychology According to Expert Along Example

Definition of Convergence Theory in Psychology According to Expert Along Example - William Louis Stren (1871-1938): Stren is one of the pioneers of modern psychology and its main role lies in its ability to unify theories to explain the contradictory behavior. He saw that each theory has its own kekuatanya and each contains the truth to explain behavior. He saw that each theory has its own power and each contains the truth to explain certain symptoms. A phenomenon may be explained by other theories, and vice versa. Thus, the theories seem to contradict it actually complementary.
Understanding Convergence Theory in Psychology According to Expert + Contoh_
image source: idisrupted.com

Definition of Convergence Theory in Psychology According to Expert Along Example_
image source: idisrupted.com
Stren was born in Germany. He was born in Berlin on April 29, 1871, but died in the United States, namely in Durham, North Carolina, on March 27, 1938. This is because in 1933 he was forced to flee to the United States because of racial reasons. Before he fled to the United States he became a student in Berlin and then became a lecturer in Breslau until 1916. After that he worked in Hamburg in psychological research in psychological research and in this occasion he co-founded the University of Hamburg following psychological laboratory and later became director institute of psychology at the University of Hamburg until 1933. In the United States he taught at Harvard and Duke University.
There are 3 major opinion about human beings, namely:
  • Nativisime: derived from the word natus (birth); nativism (nature) saw man since birth has brought potensinyam example: if the father clever, then it is likely a smart child.
  • Empiricism: not acknowledge the nature or potential. The theory of "tabula rasa" John Locke (1704-1932). Empirical experience gained from the environment will be influential in determining the child's development.
  • Convergence: Bawan factors and experience factors play an important role in human development.

William Stren define psychology as follows:
"Psychology is the study of individuals who experience / appreciate and individuals who are able to experience / live"

By this definition he menjembaatani flow theories of nativism and empiricism. Individuals who experience or appreciate is the object of empiricism, whereas individuals who are capable of experiencing or appreciate is the view of nativism. These two objectives adopted at once by Stren. In addition, the definition above, Stren is also trying to solve the problem of the relationship between body and soul. Relations were said by Stern, is located in the appreciation, because life experience or appreciate something always through the body and vice versa when the soul must also want to express something through the body. Stren then also tried to unify the elemtisme theory and the theory of totality. Stren understand who always tried to unite the opposing ideologies referred to as the understanding of convergence or convergence theory.

Stren is a very productive and his works do not pitch limit in one of the branches of psychology alone, but so widespread that it is often regarded as a figure who practiced psychology (applied psychology) .One of the most important discoveries is the concept of IQ, which stands for Intelligence Quotient or level of intelligence. The theoretical basis of the concept of IQ is the differences in each person in terms of the level of intelligence. Thus, the Stren is Saxon differential psychology. To measure the level of intelligence in each person, Stren express terms of IQ. He was the first to propose The term, which is still very widely used, both in the world of psychology, education and the general public. Stren formulate perbandingna IQ as mental age (mental age) a person against her calendar age (calendar age or chronological age). The comparison was multiplied by 100 to remove the numbers after the decimal point.

    IQ = MA / CA X 100
    Where MA = Mental Age (Age Mental)
    CA = Calendar / Chronological Age (real age)
    (Formula IQ is later embraced by L.M. Terman)

A man of average intelligence level or normal, possessed the same mental age or approaching the age of the calendar. Thus a mental age of 10 years, while the age of 10 calendar too, then IQ is: 10/10 x 100 = 100

Kalu mental age of the man is 12 years while the calendar still 10 years of age, then his IQ- 120. Conversely, if a new mental age Naak- commensurate with the age of 8 years, while the calendar is already 10 years of age, then that person has an IQ of 80, which means that his intelligence level is not as high as normal children. As for the mental age of a person can be seen through the works of the children everyday or on school performance, but the bias is also using a specific test. IQ measurement techniques but it can only be done up to a certain age, because the mental age of a person does not develop or grow forever, it will stop until a certain age limits (between 15-20 years). To measure the IW people aged over 20 years, it is necessary to use special tests that directly measure the IQ bias without dividing or calculating the ratio mentioned above. Even so, the meaning of it remains the same IQ, ie above 100 is smarter than the average, about 100 are average or normal, whereas less than that referred to under the norm.

Other works of Stren is in the field of developmental psychology and psychology of vocational and enterprise. Even in one of his works titled "donation witness psychology (1903), Stren telahmengemukakan of court psychology and forensic psychology, a branch of psychology that until now have not been well developed.

Nativism theory

Evolutionary biologists often started its activities with the observation of a number of characteristics, then try to explain it with an evolutionary approach. For example, why have a male peacock feathers are so amazing, while the female birds look very unattractive and boring? According to the evolutionary approach, in the history of the species, peafowl peahen can attract attention by showing off his feathers are striking, and the males of this kind will have a better chance to reproduce. Instead, the female should be done is to wait and choose males who have the most I ndah fur; they do not even need berias.

Evolutionary psychologists working in the same way as was done by biologists. Nevertheless, there is a small difference: they start by asking about what kind of challenges that may be encountered humans in prehistoric times-for example, determines the food is safe to eat or predict enemy intentions quickly. Then, they draw conclusions about the behavior tendencies that may have been selected because of kecenderungna the help ancestor troubleshoot problems related to survival and may increase the reproductive ability (they do not make assumptions about whether the behavior is considered an intelligent and adaptive in today's environment). Finally, they are doing research to see whether the trend actually exists throughout the world.

For example, the needs of our ancestors to avoid food poisoning or rotten foods may cause our basic dislike of bitter taste and foul odor. Individuals who happen to be born with such distaste will have a chance to survive longer to reproduce. Similarly, for the bias survive well, our ancestors developed a natural capacity to speak and recognize faces and emotional expressions. They do not really need the ability to read or driving a car, considering the book and the car also has not been found at that time.

Due by way of our species evolved, there are a lot of ability, inclination, and properties that already exist from birth or develop rapidly with maturity. These properties not only cover the obvious nature such as the ability to stand on both feet, or hold objects with the index finger and thumb, but also include properties that are not so obvious. Here are some examples:
  • Releks baby. Babies born equipped with a reflex-response dengna simple and automatic to a particular stimulus. For example, all babies will suck something to put in his mouth. Assisted dengna breastfeeding, this reflex will increase the chances of survival.
  • Interest in new things. Humans and many other species tend to be interested in something new. After dinner, a rat is placed in the maze will choose to explore unfamiliar areas than berkerliaran in familiar areas. Human infants showed enormous interest dlama observe and medengarkan things he did not know which of course covers almost all aspects of the world. A baby will stop breastfeeding even when he saw a stranger.
  • The desire to explore and manipulate objects. Primates, in particular, love to play the objects, separate them, and examine it, just to get sheer pleasure. Shake a baby toy, banging a bottle of milk, and capture whatever is placed in his hands. In humans, the natural urge to hold benca interesting objects can be so large, so that the command "do not touch" is often overlooked by kids, visitors to the museum, and the people who are shopping.
  • Impulse to play. Playing and adventuring may constitute a form of biological adaptation because it helps members of a species find food and other things she needed to live. Through play and adventure, they also learn to manage the environment. In humans, playing to teach children how to get along with other people and give them the opportunity to practice motor skills and language.
  • Basic cognitive skills. Many psychologists evolution sure that when born, humans are also equipped dengna modules metnal which can make it easier to learn to interpret the expressions and body language of another human being, recognize faces, understand the thinking and feeling of others, distinguishing plants Dair animals, distinguishes living things from inanimate objects, as well as memahmi language.

Most psychologists agree that, at least, there are some aspects of human behavior that are naturally selected. Furthermore, there are some things that are passed

1. Language
For a baby who is learning the language, every sentence initially did not have any meaning. So how does a baby bias choose syllables and words amongst a number of sounds in the surrounding environment, let alone imagine the meaning of those words, then linking those words? Is there something special about the human brain that allows the baby to discover how the workings of a language? Darwin argued thus: English, according to Darwin (1874), is a typical instinctive ability found in humans.

Given that no one taught us about grammar when we are toddlers, the human brain must contain language acquisition tool (language acquisition device), which is a mental modules obtained from birth. That module that allows children to develop language if they had little opportunity to talk. If a bird is designed for flight, then humans are born to speak. In other words, Chomsky said that children born equipped with the universal grammar that brain sensitivity to the fundamental characteristics common to all kinds of language, such as words Bendan and verb, subject and object, etc.

Years later, linguists and pre psycholinguistic managed to gather evidence to support the notion Chomsky above, namely:
  • Children from various cultures undergo stages of development similar language.
  • Children use words in the order that will not be used
  • Parents do not consistently memprbaiki grammar mistakes children, however children still learn to speak and motioned dengna true.
  • Children who are not familiar with the language of adults, will find their own language
  • 7-month-old baby can deduce simple grammar through a series of sounds.

2. Pair and intercourse
Most psychologists acknowledge that certain behaviors such as a smile or a taste for the sweet, resembling instinct. Such behavior is relatively unaffected by the process of learning and apply to all members of the species. Most psychologists agree that mankind inherited cognitive ability, perceptual, emotional, and linguistics.

In view of the evolution of the species most men and women face different problems in terms of the defense of life and marriage. Thus, they developed a wide variety of ways in terms of aggressiveness, dominance, and sexual strategies. Experts sociobiology found in many species, competition between males in getting females young and fertile, and won the competition to fertilize as many females, it is adaptive. More and more females are fertilized, the more genes derived. Decades-decades study found that men were more likely to have more sexual hubungna pasangna outside of marriage than women.

3. Intelligence and Gen
By way of how genes influence intelignesi? One possibility is through the number of nerve cells in the brain or the amount of relationship between the nerve cells, as reflected in the total volume of gray matter in the brain (gray matter). Two studies of brain scans, as was done by Holland and Finland, reported a relatively high correlation between general intelignesi and the volume of gray matter. The study also shows that the volume of gray matter has a high correlation to the twin Identics-correlation is above 80 percent, compared with fraternal twins were only 50 percent. This indicates that the volume of gray matter really is very influenced by heredity.

The process of brain development may also take effect. Longitudinal research has recently used MRI to scan the brains of 307 subjects stretching from the age of early childhood to late adolescence. Pda children brightest (as measured by IQ tests), the outer part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, which berhubungna with the thinking process, initially thinner than the other children, with less gray matter. But the cortex of these children grow faster and longer than the other children. In children who have an average IQ, the peak occurred at age 7 or 8, but in children who have the highest IQ, the peak of the new development will occur in the ages 11 and 12. Children which has an IQ between the mean The highest average and peak experience in the development of them. Gene may be responsible for differences in the pace of this development. However dengna results should be interpreted carefully, because of the experience, stimulation, intelligence, and even diet can affect the number of connections between nerve cells in the brain, and by Karen aitu development of gray matter of the brain. As is always the case in correlational research, it is difficult to determine which causes, which result.

The researchers are now looking for genes that might affect performance in IQ tests and other mental tests. They have identified several candidates across that might be but perkembangnanya much slower than planned. Far more genes that may also be involved dibnadingkan with initially dipikikrkan, and each gene is probably only a small part of the puzzle occurrence of genetic variation in intelligence.

4. Intelligence and Environment
  • Lack of care dlaam content. If a woman who is pregnant malnutrition, infection, taking certain medications, smoking, drinking alcohol, or often exposed to pollution, then the child has a learning disability and the risk of having a low IQ ber-
  • Malnutrition. The gap between the average IQ of children less obtain nutrition with nutritional cikup can reach 20 points
  • Contact with toxic materials. In khusu, lead can harm the nervous system, cause attention problems, decreased IQ scores, and decreased school performance.
  • Family fishing emergence of stress. Factors that may predict reduced intellectual competence include: a father who does not live with the family, a mother who has a history of gagguan mental, parents with the skills to work low, and historical events that trigger stress, such as family violence early in life ,


There is an assumption that is not revealed in much debate about nature and nurture, the world will enjadi better place if certain types of dominant genes. This assumption ignores the fact that natural love of genetic variation, not kesaamaan genetic. Whatever the species' ability to survive depends on the variety. Psychological variations are also adaptive. Each one of us has something valuable to contribute, whether they are artistic, talent, academic ability, creativity, social skills etc. In our world that is complex and fast-moving, all the qualities of both genetic and environmental needs.

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