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Gestalt Psychology Theory About Learning According to Expert + Example

Gestalt Psychology Theory About Learning According to Expert + Example

Gestalt Psychology Theory About Learning According to Expert + Example - At a time in the United States JB Watson argued his work entitled Psychology as the behaviorist Views It (1913), which begins the flow of behaviorism in that State, then in Germany Max Wertheimer also filed paper work that marks the beginning of the flow of Gestalt Psychology (1912). Both of these lairan (behaviorism and Gestalt) is often referred to as the flow of contemporary criticized orthodox stream of Wundt, but there is a difference between the two flow together called contemporary.

Gestalt psychology emphasizes a critique of consciousness decomposition into the elements performed by strukturalismenya Wundt, but Gestalt psychology still recognizes the element of consciousness itself in the form of the whole (totality, not divided in the elements). Behaviorism on the other hand, does not agree with the inclusion of awareness as data in psychology. Behaviorism emphasizes behavior in real form (the Watson-shaped reflexes) as data in psychology. From this difference is evident that the criticism of behaviorism already farther than criticism by Gestalt Psychology.

Gestalt Psychology Theory About Learning According to Expert + Example_
image source : www.ipoxstudios.com

This is because the criticism of behaviorism was already a critique "second generation". Prior to behaviorism, there are already first in the functionalism flow Within the United States were also criticized ortodoknya psychology Wundt and as figures of behaviorism adalha disciples of figures functionalism and behaviorism itself also has its own criticisms against functionalism. Therefore at the time of Gestalt psychology introduced in the US, American scholars consider that criticism Gestalt psychology to the psychology of orthodox outdated, though the flow of Gestalt is the emergence of the time roughly coincide with the birth of behaviorism (only one year in advance ).

Gestalt term itself is a German term that is difficult to find the translation in other languages. Gestalt meaning can vary once, namely form, shape (in English) or shape, things, events, the nature of the essence, the totality. Translation into English also vary among others shape psychology, convigurationism, whole psychology, and so on. Because of the confusion in translation, finally scholars around the world have agreed to use the term "Gestalt" without translating it into other languages.

In order to understand the true meaning of Gestalt psychology we need to study the characteristics of the flow, the Gestalt psychology studying a phenomenon as a whole or totality and that the data in Gestalt psychology called the phenomenon (symptom). As the totality principle is to learn the symptoms first presented kalinyaoleh Christian von Ehrenfels, figures which stimulate the emergence of this genre, in 1890 in his experiments on music. He explained at the time that if we hear a song, not the notes one by one. This composition is keseluruah is more important than the notes which are elemen.-elements. A composition of the songs have a certain so-called emergent properties, which are not owned by the notes dlaam song was changed, but the submarine akomposisinya still remains, then the emergent its still the same, then we keep hearing the same song. So once again, what is important is the nature of the totality of the so-called emergent, not the nature of the elements. Nevertheless, Ehrenfels recognize that not all emergent differ from the elements. Often there is also a phenomenon in which the properties that exist on the elements contained in the emergent anyway. In the latter case, if the element is changed, then the emergent will change and we kaan mengalmi or capture a phenomenon other.

Phenomenon is the most basic data for Gestalt Psychology. What one experiences is a phenomenal experience. In this case the Gestalt Psychology philosophy of phenomenology agree with the view that says that the experience haruslha seen as neutral, not influenced by anything. In the phenomenon we must always look for the two elements, namely the object and meaning. The object of the phenomenon has properties that can be described, but soon the object was revealed by our senses, then we will accept it as information and at this time we have to give meaning to that object.

Franz Brentano (1838-1917): Franz Brentano is the pioneer and teacher of Gestalt Psychology figures. He was born in Marienberg near Boppard on the Rhine on 16 January 1838 and died in Zurich on March 17, 1917. He was a professor at the University Wurzbur (1866 to 1873) and Universita Vienna (1874-1880).

Thoughts Brentano much in common with the thoughts of Aristotle, so he is often referred to as neo-Aristotelian. He did not agree with structuralism to be analyzed awareness of the divide it into elements. Psychiatric symptoms should be viewed as a phenomenon that should be as it is, as a totality. He is a pioneer of psychology phenomenology, namely the flow of psychology that seeks mempelajarijiwa as a phenomenon with a descriptive method.

Furthermore, Brentano believes that the foundation of all behavior psychological (psychic acts) is the perception in the (inner perception), the limited perception pda perception by the senses alone. He distinguishes between the psychic action (psychic acts) and content nonpsikis (non -psychic contents) in a psychiatric phenomenon. A chair, for example, is a non psychic contents. But as the chair dengna touch senses and enter into the (inner perception), there will be a psychological action.

The teachings of Brentano further affect the character Christian von Ehrenfels.

Christian von Ehrenfels (1859-1932): his figures mentioned above, are not included in the group's own flow of Gestalt psychology, but it was he who laid the foundations of Gestalt Psychology flows that will arise later. He dilahrikan in Rodaun (Austria) on June 20, 1859 and died in Lichtenau (Austria) on 8 September 1932. He initially was a pastor, but later became professor of philosophy at Prague.

Max Wertheimer (1880-1943): People's oldest triad of figures this Gestalt Psychology (together with Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka) dillahirkan in Prague on April 15, 1880 and died October 12, 1943 in New York. Sepertikedua other colleagues, Wertheimer at some point had to leave Germany and immigrated to the United States for political reasons. Wertheimer had been a pupil of Oswald Külpe in Wurzburg and earned a Ph.D. at the university in 1904. After that he worked in several places, among others in Prague, Berlin, Vienna. Between 1910-1916 he worked at the University of Frankrut where he met with his colleagues who later founded the Gestalt Psychology Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka. Triad was then working together conducting research and experiments at the University of Berlin between 1916-1920. In 1923 Wertheimer returned to the University of Frankfurt and finally since 1933 after he emigrated to the United States, Werheimer worked at the New School of Social Research in New York until his death.

Wertheimer is regarded as the founder of Gestalt Psychology in 1912, coinciding with the release of his kerta entitled "Experimental Studies of the Perception of Movement". In his paper he put forward the results of experiments by using a tool called stroboscopes, the box-shaped instrument that is given the tools to look into that box. Inside the box there is a picture of two lines, one transverse and the other upright. The second image was not visible at once, but alternated. At first transverse lines appear, then appears straight line, then crosswise again and so on. The impression that will happen is it will be seen that the line moves from upright to transverse and vice versa continuously. The motion called stroboscopic movement is a movement that asemu, because in fact the lines themselves do not move but appears alternately. This phenomenon is also known as phophenomenon and in everyday life we ​​often see for example if we watch movies or see the lights of a moving billboard.

According to Wertheimer, stroboscopic movement can not be explained dengna theory of structuralism and elementisme, but can only be explained by the Gestalt theory, namely that a person sees the environment as a whole. The lines are not seen in isolation, but in relation to one another dengna. Such perception is called perception holistic. Holistic perception in motion above stroboscopic vision is possible because we do not disappear so sajabersama with the disappearance of stimuli, but leave a trail of the first line is still ertinggal in the brain, allowing people concerned ayng connecting the second line to the first line and vice versa. Thus there was the impression of the movement of the lines.

In his book Investigation of Gestalt Theory (1923), Wertheimer argued gestalt laws for the first time, is as follows:

  • Closeness law (law of proximity): things that are close together in awaktu or places tend to be regarded as sautu totality. Eg stripes on the side is seen as three groups of lines, each consisting of two lines, coupled with a line that stands alone on the right once.
  • Closure law (law of closure). Things that tend to close will form their own impression of totality. Circle below is likely to be perceived as a full circle, even though there are parts that are not serialized. Also the lines actually the same as the lines above will tend to be seen as three rectangles and lines that stand alone on the left, is no longer perceived as three pairs of lines after transverse stripes are almost mutually connecting between the lines adjacent upright. Transverse stripes that had given Gestalt different to straight lines, so that our perception was so different.
  • In common law (law of equivalence): things that are similar to each other, cencerung we perceive as a group or a totality. Rows forms below will tend to be seen as a row-deratan horizontally with an O and X alternated rather than be seen as rows of upright.

In the book Wetheimer said that as a result of the laws of Gestalt above, then there was a tendency of spontaneous perception, namely that perceive a phenomenon, it will be given a direct sense without researching it first.

Kurt Koffka (1886- 1941): Born in Berlin on March 18, 1886, died in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA on 22 November 1941. He holds a PhD in 1908 under the guidance of C. Stumpf in Berlin with Tesisi empirical study of rhythm. An assistant J. von Fries, Freiburg between the years 1906-1908, 1909-1910 became assistant Oswald Külpe and K. Marbe in Wurzburg. As a research assistant of F. Schurmann in Frankrut in 1910, he met with Wertheimer dna Kohler, and together the two men Koffka establish the flow of Gestalt Psychology in Berlin. In 1918 became extraordinary professor at Giessen until 1924. He left Germany in 1924 and taught at universities in the United States, respectively at Cornell (1924-1925), Clar (1925), Wisconsin (1926- 1927) and Smith College (1927- till death).

Koffka contribution to psychology is a systematic presentation and experience of the principles of Gestalt psychology in a series of symptoms, ranging from perception, learning, remembering, to the psychology of learning and psychology sosiall

As a prolific writer, Koffka expressed his thoughts about Gestalt Psychology in various publications. In 1923 he began to publish the first volume of the book Contribution to Gestalt Psychology composed entirely of 25 volumes. In 1915 in his book Fundamentals of the Psychology of Perception: A Debate with V. Berusi, Koffka answered the criticisms addressed to Gestalt psychology. In his book Principles of Psychological Development: An introduction to Child Psychology (1921) for the first time Koffka practice the principles of Gestalt psychology child. He believes that the process of development is essentially the result of the interaction between internal conditions and external and consists of a continuous differentiation from previous experiences blurred. His book Principles of Gestalt Psychology (1935) is a comprehensive effort that most of Koffka unite and present various Gestalt psychology research results, including the works of Kurt Lewin.

Koffka's theory of learning based on the assumption that learning, as well as other behaviors as well, can be explained by the principles of organization of Gestalt Psychology. Several theories about learning Koffka:

  • One important factor in learning is the trace memory (memory trace), the experiences that made an impression on certain places in the brain. Traces of memory is organized systematically following the principles of Gestalt and will be raised again if we perceive something similar with traces of earlier memories.
  • The changes that occur in memory along with the course of time is not melekmahkan traces of that memory (in other words do not lead to forget), it causes changes in the trace, because the memory trace it tends refined and perfected to get Gestalt better in memory. Details gradually disappear, being reduced contrasts. Thus, a story that is long and convoluted, after a while will be remembered in certain parts and parts that are less good and kuran gsempurna will be changed so that the closer to a more perfect Gestalt. Thus, the original story that could change after a while.
  • The exercises will strengthen the memory trace.

Woflgang Kohler (1887-1967): Born in Reval, Estonia, on 21 January 1887 and died in Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA, on June 11, 1967. Kohler earned a Ph.D. in 1908 under the guidance of C. Stumpf in Berlin. He then went to Frankfrut and as an assistant of F.Schurmann he met Werheimer premises and Koffka. The three of them then mengadakn historic experiments that eventually led them to the establishment of the flow of Gestalt Psychology, also called flow Berlin.

From the year 1913- 1920 Kohler worked as Director of the station "Anthropoid" of the Prussian academy of science in Teneriffe, where he made the famous investigation of the intelligence of apes. In 1921 he replaced the position as director of the psychological laboratory Stumpf Berlin and was appointed professor of psychology dna philosophy in 1922. In 1935 he left Germany to avoid Nazi rule and immigrated to the United States. He became a professor at Swarthmore College until he resigned in 1955. He served as chairman of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1956 and received an award from the perkumulan thanks to his scientific works.

Kohler is not as productive as Koffka in the works he wrote, but apparently there had been a division of labor between the three series of figures gestalt this: Wertheimer is the figure put forward ideas, Kohler conducting experiments ideas, Koffka wrote theories Wertheimer and Kohler -eksperimen experimental results.

Kohler palng famous works is the investigation of the behavior of intelligence (intelligent behavior) in animals, especially in chimpanzees. Based on the theory of Thorndike assume that animal behavior is basically wrong behavior trial (trial and error), Kohler made experiments dengna monkeys and apes also prove that there is an understanding (insight).

F. Krueger: In 1924 Krueger memperkenalan to psychology terms ganzheit in Leipzig. Ganzheit derived from the German word das Ganze meaningful whole. Until now the term Gestalt is still considered to be the same as Ganzheit, so that the books were often confused term only. Ganzheir flow is often not considered as a separate stream of characters, F. Krueger, often not recorded in the history books of psychology.

Even so, Krueger himself stated that Ganzheir not the same as Gestalt. Ganzheit apart from Gestalt and is perkembangna of Gestalt Psychology. Krueger found Gestalt psychology is too focused on the problem of the perception of objects. Yet more importantly according to Krueger was a thorough appreciation of space and time, not just the totality of perceptions or objects only. The consequence of this argument is that the behavior should be observed holistic or molar, which is a behavior should be viewed in conjunction with other behaviors, occurring either before, after or at the same time.

Kurt Lewin (1890-1947): At start he was interested in Gestalt understand, but then he criticized the Gestalt theory because he considered inadequate. Lewin less agree dengna the Aristotelian approach, which is concerned with the structure and psychiatric symptoms. He is more inclined to approach the Galilean, which are concerned with the mental functions. In this connection, Lewin studied motivation since 1914 dna conduct research on intuition, hope, substitution of tasks and saturation. Lewin researches brought to a kesimpulkan that perception and behavior are not only determined by the overall shape or nature of the totality of excitatory or emergent, but is determined by the forces (forces) of the lapangna psychological (psychological field) person. This psychological Lapangna consists of stimuli outside and morivasi system and impulses within the person concerned. Each element in the psychological lapangna, either object or dorongna inside, has a vector, which is a kind of value, positit or negative. Interplay between vector-vector is what produces those forces. A person's behavior is always has a specific purpose dna that goal is to find a balance between these forces. For example, someone who has been too long standing in the hot sun will experience too much heat so that there are negative vector in the heat element and the resulting forces that encourage the person concerned to find a cool place. As a result there was behavior (called by Lewin with the name of locomotion), that person is going to take shelter somewhere cool.

Lewin's theory above is referred to as the theory of the field (field theory) or also called as topology (nonmetric geometry of the forces in the psychological field). Lakuk direction of behavior established through hodologi, namely the science of direction behavior.

Lewin was born in Mogilno (Posen) pda September 9, 1980, and died on February 12, 1947 in Newtonville, Massachusetts, United States. It is clear that Lewin including those who had to flee from Germany to the United States because of the Nazi threat. Before immigrating to Aemerika, he has taught at the University of Berlin between the years 1921-1933. Once he was in the United States he worked at Iowa State University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

One theory that is an important practical adlaha proposed a theory of conflict. As a result of the vector-vector conflicting and pull, then someone in a particular psychological lapangna may experience conflict if not immediately resolved could lead to frustration and psychological ketidakseimbangna. Based on the vector-vector conflicting, Lewin conflict divide dlama three types:

  • Approach-approach conflict (approach-approach conflict). This conflict is the case if being a person facing the two objects together is positive. That person will have conflicts, because when he approached one of the objects, then he should release the others that will cause frustration for not obtaining the second object.
  • Away-away conflicts (avoidance-avoidance conflict). This conflict occurs when one is dealing dengna two objects that both have a negative value, but he can not avoid the two objects at once. If he avoids first object he must approach the second object that also did not like, and vice versa.
  • Conflict-away approach (approach-avoidance conflict). In this conflict there is only one object that has positive and negative values ​​as well.

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