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Definition and History of Physiology As Part of Psychology

Definition and History of Physiology As Part of Psychology

Definition and History of Physiology As Part of Psychology - Psychology is a discipline that focuses on the behavior and mental processes and how behavior and mental processes are influenced by the mental condition of the organism and the external environment.

MYTH: People with psychiatric disorders due to disturbance jin.

TRUTH: Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; Greek: Ψι Psi) to 23 letters of the alphabet in Greek letters. In classical or modern Greek language trident image is a combination of letters / ps /, which is also the first letter in the Greek "psuche", which means the mind or soul.

Definition and History of Physiology As Part of Psychology_
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History of Psychology

Greece Period

Philosophy has studied psychiatric symptoms since 500-600 BC.

Thales (624-548 BC), Thales is often called the "father of philosophy". He believes that the soul and other supernatural things do not exist, because there are symptoms of something that should be explained by natural phenomena (natural phenomena), and he believes that everything that exists came from the water. Because the soul is not possible berasala of water, then it is considered no soul.

Anaximander (610- 546 BC), he said that everything comes from something that is not necessarily.

Anaximenes (sixth century BC): everything comes from the air.

Empedocles (493-433 BC): it says that there are four basic elements in the universe is the earth or soil, air, fire and water. Jam, he says that man is composed of bones, muscles and intestines which are elements of the ground, while the fluid is water. And the ratio of mental function in humans is said to be the element of fire, while supporters of the elements or functions of life say the element of air.

Hippocrates (46- 375 BC) people were classified into four personality types: Type sanguin- carefree, melancholic types - moody, kolerik- quick to react, flegmatis- sluggish.
  • Sanguine: people who have excess (too much or excesses) of blood and temperament have cheerleaders.
  • Melancholic: too many black cord, bertempramen morose
  •  Kholerik: too many yellow marrow in the body, bertempempramen spirited and agile.
  •  Phlegmatik: too much lendiri in his body and bertempramen sluggish.

Democritus (460- 370 BC): it has the view that all reality is in the world is composed of particles that can not be divided again by Einstein who later would diberin atom name. Soul as part of the reality in the world, according to Dmeocritus must also consist of a kind of atoms. Democritus way of thinking this is a way of thinking that follow the principles of mechanistic and materialistic. In the past several hundred years thereafter, the principles of Democritus is still followed by some scholars, among others by IP Pavlop and J.B. Watson equally found "atom" of the soul it is reflexes.

3 Ones: Socrates (469- 399 BC), Plato (427- 347 BC) and Aristotle (384- 322 BC):

1. The Socrates (469-399 BC): Socrates pandangna most important thing is that in every human being pent answers regarding various issues in the real world. Therefore, people can actually answer all the problems that it faces. The problem is the people, most of them do not realize that in her pent answers to the problems that it faces. Therefore, according to Socrates, there needs to be other people who contributed to eject ideas or answers are still hidden it. In other words, need some kind of "midwife" to help the birth of the idea of ​​the human heart. Socrates then work everyday is a walk in the city center, around the markets to talk to everyone who met to explore the hidden answers regarding various issues. With a question and answer method called Sokratis method will arise notion called maieutics (pull out as midwives). This notion of self according to Socrates is very important for every human being. Is the duty of every person to know themselves first if he wants to know about other things outside himself. He has the motto "real learning in humans is learning about human"

Maieutics in 1943 was developed by Carl R. Rogers became the psychotherapy technique called non-directive technique in which a psychologist or therapist trying to explore issues of patient such that the patient realizes her problems alone without overly directed by a psychologist or psikoerapis.

2. Plato (427- 247 BC): He is an adherent of dualism in truth. Plato says that the mental world contains ideas that stand alone and apart from the experience of everyday life. It is mainly found in adults and intellectuals. In adults and intellectual, one can distinguish between the soul and which the body. But children are still mixed dengna soul body, can not be separated from the idea that concrete objects. The soul that contain these ideas by a plateau named "psyche". Plato Menurt Psycho consists of 3 parts:

  • Logisticon (sense) -Head,
  • Taste (theumeticon) -dada
  • Will (abdomen) -perut.
The division of the psyche into three parts is called trichotomi of the plateau. Furthermore plato said also that the division of the psyche into three parts that had to do dengna class divisions in society. In his republic, Plato mengatkan that society is divided into three classes, namely:
  1. Philosophers, which has the function of thinking in society.
  2. Soldiers, who have fought to fulfill the function of dorongna-encouragement and the will of the people against the other nations.
  3.  Workers, whose function works to meet the wishes of the public desire for clothing, food and so on, in order to meet the daily needs

For the third plateau of the psyche, think that the most important function. The state of one's soul and the souls of the direction of development was influenced primarily by the function thinking person concerned. In any society the most decisive filusuflah state and direction of development of the society. Because it is his opinion, plato often referred to as a rationalist or adherents of rationalism, namely understanding of the importance of the ratio (reason) over the functions of other mental health.

Apart from that, the plateau is also convinced that each one has been set since the inception of the future status or position in society. Whether one is going to be philosophers, soldiers or workers, have been written since birth. In this connection, it can be said Plato sensible determinism or nativism. Thus, while he believes that each person is born with kekhususuan themselves, human beings are born unequal, so that it can also be said as a figure of the novice understand "individual difference", which is understood as saying that the man is different from other human beings. Later during psychological development that has further understand "individual difference" will bring scholars direction finding equipment psychological examination. Finally, on this plateau should be noted that he dalah faithful disciple and follower of Socrates, so much the influence of his teacher's views on pikirna-mind plateau.

3. Aristotle: Aristotle was a pupil of Plato who became known with his thoughts sendiir different from the teacher. If Plato was a rationalist who believes that everything stems from the ratio, of the ideas generated by the ratio, Aristotle berkeyakinna, that everything psychiatric berbentu form must occupy a form. This form is essentially a statement or expression of the soul. Only God is the only one without a form. God is a form without matter. With this pandangna Aristotle often referred to as Saxon empiricism, because he thinks everything should start from reality, that of matter. "Matter" which can be known through observation or empirical experience is the main source of knowledge. With this pendaptnya, he is often called the "Father of Psychology". The views and theories of Aristotle's psychology can be found in the famous book by De Anima consisting of eight volumes that is actually a book on comparative zoology and biology.

In this book he says that every object in this world has the urge to grow and become something in accordance with the objectives that were contained in the item itself. A seed corn for example, has a goal and encouragement to grow into a tree corn. Thus if the seed was planted and maintained well then it will become a tree seed corn. Aristotle becomes is an adherent pahamteleologi. Furthermore, Aristotle distinguishes what he calls "Hule" and "morphe" I. "Hule" or "noes phateticos" is formed, while "morphe" or "noes poeticos" is formed. Natural objects do not grow and develop just like that, but to be or be developed into something. Then before the sign was tangible, it be a possibility.

Speaking of the "form", Aristotle distinguishes three kinds of "form", Aristotle distinguished "form", the plant that controls the functions of vegetative, animal dapt seen in functions such as remembering, expecting, perception and so on, and rational. Rational is what allows human reasoning and forming concepts. Especially in humans is shaped impulse tumbuhi impetus to realize the self-called entelechi. According to Aristotle the function of the soul is divided into two, namely the ability to recognize and ability to will. This view is known as the "dichotomy".

From Philosophy to confidence:
Al-Farabi (872-950): human happiness can not be achieved by isolation. The idea is similar to Aristotle, Alfarabi stated that there are nurtitif soul, sensitive and apetite (like animals)

Age of the Renaissance:

1. Francis Bacon (1561-1626): in the midst of the rebirth of European culture 14th century, Francis Bacon emerged with important concepts for the psychology that he rejected the rationalistic view menganngap that rasiolah important in science. Instead he also rejected the notion of Aristotle that materilah important and that in any material already there is a potential that can not be changed again, so that each material has its own truth. He argues inductive method in science, which is a method common to find that the current dengna learn some thing or some thing special. Only by this inductive method of science can reach objective truth, whereas during the previous 25 centuries scholars according to Bacon only speculate only in science so sterile, unable to obtain advances in knowledge means. Novum Organum Scientiarium his book (1620) is a statement of freedom from the confines of the empirical method of rationality. To that end he reminded that for a scholar can be regarded as a true empirical and before he can use the inductive method, he must first rid themselves of some sort of prejudice or idol. There are four idols which should be avoided according to Bacon, namely:
  • Tribus idol, the idol found in suaut tribes (tribe). This can lead to idol belief that his tribe alone is true or ancestors or parents themselves are correct.
  • Fori idol, the idol which arise in the markets, as a result of association dengna crowds where terms and concepts are not defined carefully and precisely.
  • Specus idol, the idol which arise because of the impulses within ourselves to observe something wrong, kecenderungna subjectivism, thus resulting in conclusions and reasoning -penalaran ayng wrong about something.
  • Theatri idol, the idol caused by methods that are not appropriate to be used in science or used by philosophers are less reliable, so as to cause padangna were wrong about something.

2. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) French philosopher: "Cogito ergo sum" - I think therefore I am). He was a mathematician, physiologist and philosopher who has great attention to psychiatric symptoms. The concept of psychology adalha: science mempelajarikesadaran. So consciousness is the most decisive factor in the psychology of Descartes. Therefore until now schools of psychology concerned with consciousness referred to as Cartian Psychology.

Figure quite important preformance history of psychology explains the behavior of animals in the principles of mechanics. He put forward the concept of "reflex arc" to explain all behavior in animals and the majority of human behavior. He said that animals and humans often react to stimuli coming from lingkungnanya on the principle of reflex. A stimulus coming from lingkungna received by means of the senses and channeled through salurans yaraf specific to the brain and the brain process the impulses that enter it and then give instruks-instructions to the muscles of the members tubh through the channels of the nerves as well, so that the members of that body making movements that have been determined.

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the United States there was a scholar JB Watson who embrace the concept of "reflex arc" is fully human, that he believed that human behavior is actually none other than the braid is mere reflexes. Descartes himself in his time but do not think it's extreme. He instead argues that human behavior is different from the behavior of animals. Although human behavior is also subject to the laws of mechanical to the point-a certain extent, people still have freedom of choice. And freedom of choice here that does not exist in animals. Because of the freedom of choice here, then humans can perform an independent behavior, whereas animals in tingkahl he admitted always tergantun situations or stimuli that come from the environment. In the election by man, then akallha important. Thus pendapt Descartes. Hence Descartes also called Saxon rationalism.

As adherents of rationalism ayng too sure of his teachings, then Descartes only convinced of the existence itself, because the only thing he knows his own mind tends. He did see the other objects, other people, but do they also think like himself? This is not known with certainty by Descartes. In other words, he doubted all the things outside himself, then Descartes is also known as adherents of the ideology of skepticism.

3. Thomas Hobbes (1588 to 1679): figures of British empiricism and associationism this famous mechanical theory in psychology proposed. Famous motto is: all that exists is matter, all that Occurs is motion "(all that exists is a manifestation; everything that appears is the motion). In the mechanical theory he distinguishes between the base and the purpose of the behavior. Two basic motivation of behavior is appetite or desire to approach something and kecenderungna to hate or leave something. On the other hand, the behavior is fulfilling its own sake. OlehHObbes be said that virtually everyone is selfish who mementingkah themselves, in order to protect its own sake it is precisely man forced to recognize the rights of others.

4. George Berkeley (1685 to 1753) British philosopher: What matters is not the consciousness or the ratio sensing. Everything started from the sensing, the ratio only follow what is absorbed by sensing.

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