History of Psychology Section of Physiology and Biological Sciences According to Expert
History of Psychology Section of Physiology and Biological Sciences According to Expert - In this article discussed how biologists inspire philosophers to study the links between life sciences with physiology and interaction between the two. The meeting between biology and psychology began in the era of Darwin.
In the 17th century, European scientists began to apply scientific methodology in the study of living things, starting with the discovery of blood circulation dengna invention, invention of the microscope and so on. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin proposed his idea of evolution which is the basis for the development of modern biological theory. At the end of the philosophers of the 19th century began to use biological methods in understanding how the human mind works. Their research on the psychophysiology open a new history of the relationship between biology and psychology.
In the 17th century, European scientists began to apply scientific methodology in the study of living things, starting with the discovery of blood circulation dengna invention, invention of the microscope and so on. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin proposed his idea of evolution which is the basis for the development of modern biological theory. At the end of the philosophers of the 19th century began to use biological methods in understanding how the human mind works. Their research on the psychophysiology open a new history of the relationship between biology and psychology.
William Harvey (1578-1657)
British doctor, using a magnifying glass and some empirical tests he behasil shows that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood to the lungs and back again to the heart simultaneously and continuously. Harvey observation and empirical tests on the heart reptiles or animals dying. He discovered that there are two phases of the heartbeat that is systolic (when the heart contracts) and diastolic (heart expands or relaxes). By estimating the volume of blood pumped for some time, he proved that the body consists of only a small amount of blood volume that is continuously pumped.
Furthermore, he also proved that arteries (blood pumped out of the heart) and veins (blood back to the heart) is the same substance. He named the pulmonary artery, which connects the chamber to the right of the lungs. He named the pulmonary vein, the vein in which the blood from the lungs to the left heart porch.
However, it took more than 200 years for the biological sciences to be recognized as a science. Link between biology and psychology comes afterwards with finding the system in the body hubungna premises cognition process. Many questions about the biology unanswered until the publication of Darwin's Origin of the species in 1859.
Biology Before Darwin
In this phase is not so much due to the development of biological sciences:
A biologist who was inspired by Linnaeus (1735) began to classify living beings with a term more commonly known as a taxonomy of kingdom.
Darwin's influence on the biological sciences and psychology (1809- 1882)
Prior to Darwin's theory emerged, a theology of William Paley put forward the idea of creationism: he uses the analogy that if someone found an hour in the forest, then that person does not assume that it is just a coincidence. Rather, one would assume that the creator had arranged everything. In other words, Paley said that animals and plants were created in the same way and God is the creator.
Darwin's theory of evolution of life in his book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) on the theory of evolution. Evolution is driven by two main mechanisms of natural selection and genetic drift. Natural selection is a process that causes terwaris properties that are useful for survival and reproduction to become more common in a population - and on the contrary, harmful traits to become more rare. This occurs because individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to reproduce, so that more individuals in the next generation who inherit the properties of this beneficial. After several generations, adaptations occur through a combination of small changes in properties that occur continuously and with random natural selection. Meanwhile, genetic drift (English: Genetic Drift) is an independent process that produces random changes in the frequency of traits in a population. Genetic drift is produced by the probability of whether a given trait will be passed on as individuals survive and reproduce (Evolution, 2014).
Darwin's theory emphasizes that behavior, such as biological characteristics, can be explained by understanding the adaptation of organisms (humans and animals) to the environment. Darwin showed evidence of behavior is inherited. In his book In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, published in 1873, he put forward the theory that the facial expressions of animals in mengeekspresikan emotion is the result of heredity / derived from the movement of "movement" that had had other functions.
Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828), an expert in the anatomical structure of the brain and head. Research on the relationship between the face, body and behavior. His student Johann Spurzheim (1758-1828) spread the ideology of "Phrenology" based on the fundamental assumption, first the brain is the organ of the mind. Secondly, mind organized in the form of capabilities, and the ability to change as you get experience that causes the shape of the skull changed. Phrenology growing year 1823- 1911. As phrenology theory plausible, but as empirical evidence then it is not acceptable. The point is, the brain does not change in shape or size over time. Although phrenology has no great effect.
Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842): born in Edinburgh, Scotland and is renowned as a surgeon, anatomy, physiology. He is famous for his discoveries about the nervous system, his works are known in the UK alone and in France. He was a rather closed although very eager in doing researches. Most of the inventions are not normally published sebagaiman other scholars, but only kept for personal records and only dijadikannya to loud noise lecture or discussion with colleagues. That's why at the beginning of research results Bell not known to others, so that at one moment there another French scholar named Francouis Magendie doing research and getting discoveries similar to Bell. Finally arrangements nervous found by both of them together in different places named Bell-Magendie nervous system. The discovery of the Bell-Magendie is that the human body there are two kinds of nerves, the sensory and motor nerves. Sensory nerves are nerves that conduct impulses-impulse derived from the receptors to the central nervous system, while the motor nerves are nerves that conduct impulses originating from a wet to the central nervous effector.
Another discovery by Bell is a "sixth sense" or what is now known as kinesthesia, that sense of knowing gestures receptors found in muscles, bones and junctions in the maze. He also pioneered the study of the senses of taste and study of the cochlea to prove that there are nerves that are prepared to respond to the wave of high-pitched sounds to low. This latter theory would later be developed by Hermann von Helmholtz and will be known as the theory of "piano" of hearing.
Organization of the spinal cord
Early 19th century, two researchers Sir Charles Bell (1774- 1842) of England and Francois Magendie (1783-1855) of France, discovered the structure of the bone marrow from the back of the experiments on animals. From the results of his research found that the role of the nerve fibers that exit the spinal cord in the ventral side to give commands from the brain and spinal cord to the body.
Gustav Fritsch (1838-1927) and Edvard Hitzig (1838-1907) A special place in the cortex responsible for motoric movement, Cortex is a tofografis suckler nature of a person's body that is in the brain.
Communication between the brain and the senses
Johannes Muller (1801-1858) discovered that the organs of the senses are organic transducer; ie one particular organ that converts physical information into neural information (transducer are the specialized organs, such as the eye and ear, that convert physical energy into neural information). Rachlin (2005, P.43) describes Muller ideas related to the world of psychology:
"According to Muller, the mind we only have access to nervous energy. Of this energy, then formed a "one world his notes", which is the study of psychology until this moment "
Hermann Helmholtz (1821-1894), who became a disciple of Muller discovered that the way to measure kecepat nerve impulses (eg 60 mph)
British doctor, using a magnifying glass and some empirical tests he behasil shows that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood to the lungs and back again to the heart simultaneously and continuously. Harvey observation and empirical tests on the heart reptiles or animals dying. He discovered that there are two phases of the heartbeat that is systolic (when the heart contracts) and diastolic (heart expands or relaxes). By estimating the volume of blood pumped for some time, he proved that the body consists of only a small amount of blood volume that is continuously pumped.
Furthermore, he also proved that arteries (blood pumped out of the heart) and veins (blood back to the heart) is the same substance. He named the pulmonary artery, which connects the chamber to the right of the lungs. He named the pulmonary vein, the vein in which the blood from the lungs to the left heart porch.
However, it took more than 200 years for the biological sciences to be recognized as a science. Link between biology and psychology comes afterwards with finding the system in the body hubungna premises cognition process. Many questions about the biology unanswered until the publication of Darwin's Origin of the species in 1859.
Biology Before Darwin
In this phase is not so much due to the development of biological sciences:
- Focus research on Earth and age
- Immutability of species that species will not evolve
A biologist who was inspired by Linnaeus (1735) began to classify living beings with a term more commonly known as a taxonomy of kingdom.
Darwin's influence on the biological sciences and psychology (1809- 1882)
Prior to Darwin's theory emerged, a theology of William Paley put forward the idea of creationism: he uses the analogy that if someone found an hour in the forest, then that person does not assume that it is just a coincidence. Rather, one would assume that the creator had arranged everything. In other words, Paley said that animals and plants were created in the same way and God is the creator.
Darwin's theory of evolution of life in his book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) on the theory of evolution. Evolution is driven by two main mechanisms of natural selection and genetic drift. Natural selection is a process that causes terwaris properties that are useful for survival and reproduction to become more common in a population - and on the contrary, harmful traits to become more rare. This occurs because individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to reproduce, so that more individuals in the next generation who inherit the properties of this beneficial. After several generations, adaptations occur through a combination of small changes in properties that occur continuously and with random natural selection. Meanwhile, genetic drift (English: Genetic Drift) is an independent process that produces random changes in the frequency of traits in a population. Genetic drift is produced by the probability of whether a given trait will be passed on as individuals survive and reproduce (Evolution, 2014).
Darwin's theory emphasizes that behavior, such as biological characteristics, can be explained by understanding the adaptation of organisms (humans and animals) to the environment. Darwin showed evidence of behavior is inherited. In his book In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, published in 1873, he put forward the theory that the facial expressions of animals in mengeekspresikan emotion is the result of heredity / derived from the movement of "movement" that had had other functions.
Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828), an expert in the anatomical structure of the brain and head. Research on the relationship between the face, body and behavior. His student Johann Spurzheim (1758-1828) spread the ideology of "Phrenology" based on the fundamental assumption, first the brain is the organ of the mind. Secondly, mind organized in the form of capabilities, and the ability to change as you get experience that causes the shape of the skull changed. Phrenology growing year 1823- 1911. As phrenology theory plausible, but as empirical evidence then it is not acceptable. The point is, the brain does not change in shape or size over time. Although phrenology has no great effect.
Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842): born in Edinburgh, Scotland and is renowned as a surgeon, anatomy, physiology. He is famous for his discoveries about the nervous system, his works are known in the UK alone and in France. He was a rather closed although very eager in doing researches. Most of the inventions are not normally published sebagaiman other scholars, but only kept for personal records and only dijadikannya to loud noise lecture or discussion with colleagues. That's why at the beginning of research results Bell not known to others, so that at one moment there another French scholar named Francouis Magendie doing research and getting discoveries similar to Bell. Finally arrangements nervous found by both of them together in different places named Bell-Magendie nervous system. The discovery of the Bell-Magendie is that the human body there are two kinds of nerves, the sensory and motor nerves. Sensory nerves are nerves that conduct impulses-impulse derived from the receptors to the central nervous system, while the motor nerves are nerves that conduct impulses originating from a wet to the central nervous effector.
Another discovery by Bell is a "sixth sense" or what is now known as kinesthesia, that sense of knowing gestures receptors found in muscles, bones and junctions in the maze. He also pioneered the study of the senses of taste and study of the cochlea to prove that there are nerves that are prepared to respond to the wave of high-pitched sounds to low. This latter theory would later be developed by Hermann von Helmholtz and will be known as the theory of "piano" of hearing.
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Early 19th century, two researchers Sir Charles Bell (1774- 1842) of England and Francois Magendie (1783-1855) of France, discovered the structure of the bone marrow from the back of the experiments on animals. From the results of his research found that the role of the nerve fibers that exit the spinal cord in the ventral side to give commands from the brain and spinal cord to the body.
Gustav Fritsch (1838-1927) and Edvard Hitzig (1838-1907) A special place in the cortex responsible for motoric movement, Cortex is a tofografis suckler nature of a person's body that is in the brain.
Communication between the brain and the senses
Johannes Muller (1801-1858) discovered that the organs of the senses are organic transducer; ie one particular organ that converts physical information into neural information (transducer are the specialized organs, such as the eye and ear, that convert physical energy into neural information). Rachlin (2005, P.43) describes Muller ideas related to the world of psychology:
"According to Muller, the mind we only have access to nervous energy. Of this energy, then formed a "one world his notes", which is the study of psychology until this moment "
Hermann Helmholtz (1821-1894), who became a disciple of Muller discovered that the way to measure kecepat nerve impulses (eg 60 mph)
The first research systematically studied psychology are the psychophysical which measure the subjective experience of a person's physical sensations given. If the mind is composed of thoughts towards what we feel / sense, the understanding of what we are feeling / sense will lead us to an understanding of the mind / mind. Psychophysical from German researchers in 1820 focusing on the sensation of touch, see, hear and smell / odor. The difference between psychophysical and physics is, if the physics studying the physical properties of light and sound, the psychophysical study of human perception of light and sound.
One principle of psychophysical is the perception of the physical properties (physical properties) are not the same as the physical properties (physical properties) itself. To demonstrate, let's answer the classic question, which is heavier between 1 pound feather with 1 pound of bricks? You might think "you think the me stupid?" I've heard the question is. Weighing is the same! 1 pound is one pound. Perhaps the answer is correct only on objectivity shape and weight of the property. Weight perception between the two benda- psychological properties (a psychological property) will be very different. This is contrary to the understanding of people in general (common sense), when one expects the weight between two objects that are being tested empirically, people think that the bricks over 2 to 3 times heavier than the feather (Benjamin, 2007). If you do not believe, please try yourself. Psychophysical is the problem of the relationship between the physical world and the psychological world.
The first is -Ernst expert psychophysical Weber, Gustav Fechner, and Hermann von Helmholtz. Ernst Weber (1795- 1878) did some research first about the same perception, ie it investigates the smallest change of weight and length that people can know. Continuing what was done by Weber, then Gustav Fechner (1801-1889) realized that people can study the psychological and physical in the study of a new science called psychophysical. Fechner renew some of the principles of Weber. A doctor and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821- 1894) not only makes a contribution to the study of memory, physiology, and color vision (color vision), but also contribute to the conservation laws in physics and music theory, meteorlogy, geometry, and he designed the phone long before Alexander Graham Bell (Benjamin, 2007). Furthermore, he was the first to calculate that the pulse rate of about 90 feet per second. From this development, the psychology initiate first steps as scientific knowledge.
Animals intelligence and Comparative Psychology
George Romanes, who popularized the followers of Darwin studied animal intelligence. Romanes bring a monkey to be raised by her sister. However, when the monkeys have learned the principles of mechanics behind the threaded screw. So Morgan in interpreting the findings very careful because it is associated with the outcome resulting from turning towards one or the other.
Morgan wants to put Heman same psychology to human psychology, in terms of psychological comparisons between human and animal intelligence is possible but with the interpretation that very carefully. This is a new historical meeting between psychology and biology.
The first psychologist to study genetic influences on human behavior is Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911), a cousin of Darwin's. Galton was a polymath who contribute to science, she created a weather map first in England, found istial "correlation" (which describes the relationship between two variables or factors), developed the fingerprint technique, discover new branches that psychometric (application of construction assays psychology that measure individual differences). Furthermore, he also founded the anthropometric laboratory in London in 1884, on the birth of intelligence tests. Galton interested to find out whether a person's physical shape are correlated with each other and whether the correlation is the same with the psychological aspect of a person such as sensory capacity, reaction time, intellectual. In fact, Galton discovered physical features such as height, arm length and weight were positively correlated. From there it can be concluded that by knowing the dimensions of a part of a person's body, it can be done calculating a person's weight.
Furthermore, the first statistically Galton role of heredity on psychological variables. In his study of "eminent men", he published his book Hereditary Genius.
Emil Kraeplin (1856- 1926): Born on February 15, 1856 in Neustrelitz, died on October 7, 1926 in Munich. Being a doctor in Wurzburg in 1878, then became a doctor at the mental hospital Munich. He moved to Leipzig in 1882 to work with Wundt that had become his friend as long as they are still students. But Wundt menasehatkannya not fully devote his time to psychology, but to keep their jobs in the medical field. In 1885 he was appointed professor in Dorpat and in 1891 in Heidelberg. In 1894 he became editor of the periodical Psychologische Arbeiten. From 1903 until his death he became a professor of psychiatry.
Kraepelin became famous mainly due to the classification of the mental illness called psychosis. He divides psychoses into two main groups, namely "dementia praecox" and psychosis "sweet depressive". Regardless of friendship with Wundt, Kraepelin found etiology of mental illness does not lie JIW aseseorang pad, but rather is caused by bodily factors such as abnormalities in the brain, metabolic disorders, disorders of the glands, or congenital factors.
A few articles about the History of Psychology Section of Physiology and Biological Sciences According to Expert.
One principle of psychophysical is the perception of the physical properties (physical properties) are not the same as the physical properties (physical properties) itself. To demonstrate, let's answer the classic question, which is heavier between 1 pound feather with 1 pound of bricks? You might think "you think the me stupid?" I've heard the question is. Weighing is the same! 1 pound is one pound. Perhaps the answer is correct only on objectivity shape and weight of the property. Weight perception between the two benda- psychological properties (a psychological property) will be very different. This is contrary to the understanding of people in general (common sense), when one expects the weight between two objects that are being tested empirically, people think that the bricks over 2 to 3 times heavier than the feather (Benjamin, 2007). If you do not believe, please try yourself. Psychophysical is the problem of the relationship between the physical world and the psychological world.
The first is -Ernst expert psychophysical Weber, Gustav Fechner, and Hermann von Helmholtz. Ernst Weber (1795- 1878) did some research first about the same perception, ie it investigates the smallest change of weight and length that people can know. Continuing what was done by Weber, then Gustav Fechner (1801-1889) realized that people can study the psychological and physical in the study of a new science called psychophysical. Fechner renew some of the principles of Weber. A doctor and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821- 1894) not only makes a contribution to the study of memory, physiology, and color vision (color vision), but also contribute to the conservation laws in physics and music theory, meteorlogy, geometry, and he designed the phone long before Alexander Graham Bell (Benjamin, 2007). Furthermore, he was the first to calculate that the pulse rate of about 90 feet per second. From this development, the psychology initiate first steps as scientific knowledge.
Animals intelligence and Comparative Psychology
George Romanes, who popularized the followers of Darwin studied animal intelligence. Romanes bring a monkey to be raised by her sister. However, when the monkeys have learned the principles of mechanics behind the threaded screw. So Morgan in interpreting the findings very careful because it is associated with the outcome resulting from turning towards one or the other.
Morgan wants to put Heman same psychology to human psychology, in terms of psychological comparisons between human and animal intelligence is possible but with the interpretation that very carefully. This is a new historical meeting between psychology and biology.
The first psychologist to study genetic influences on human behavior is Sir Francis Galton 1822-1911), a cousin of Darwin's. Galton was a polymath who contribute to science, she created a weather map first in England, found istial "correlation" (which describes the relationship between two variables or factors), developed the fingerprint technique, discover new branches that psychometric (application of construction assays psychology that measure individual differences). Furthermore, he also founded the anthropometric laboratory in London in 1884, on the birth of intelligence tests. Galton interested to find out whether a person's physical shape are correlated with each other and whether the correlation is the same with the psychological aspect of a person such as sensory capacity, reaction time, intellectual. In fact, Galton discovered physical features such as height, arm length and weight were positively correlated. From there it can be concluded that by knowing the dimensions of a part of a person's body, it can be done calculating a person's weight.
Furthermore, the first statistically Galton role of heredity on psychological variables. In his study of "eminent men", he published his book Hereditary Genius.
Emil Kraeplin (1856- 1926): Born on February 15, 1856 in Neustrelitz, died on October 7, 1926 in Munich. Being a doctor in Wurzburg in 1878, then became a doctor at the mental hospital Munich. He moved to Leipzig in 1882 to work with Wundt that had become his friend as long as they are still students. But Wundt menasehatkannya not fully devote his time to psychology, but to keep their jobs in the medical field. In 1885 he was appointed professor in Dorpat and in 1891 in Heidelberg. In 1894 he became editor of the periodical Psychologische Arbeiten. From 1903 until his death he became a professor of psychiatry.
Kraepelin became famous mainly due to the classification of the mental illness called psychosis. He divides psychoses into two main groups, namely "dementia praecox" and psychosis "sweet depressive". Regardless of friendship with Wundt, Kraepelin found etiology of mental illness does not lie JIW aseseorang pad, but rather is caused by bodily factors such as abnormalities in the brain, metabolic disorders, disorders of the glands, or congenital factors.
A few articles about the History of Psychology Section of Physiology and Biological Sciences According to Expert.
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