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Definition and Examples of Community Social Organizations According to Experts

Definition and Examples of Community Social Organizations According to Experts

Definition and Examples of Community Social Organizations According to Experts - When there are two or more people jointly run or work together to do a job in order to achieve certain goals, is basically an organization. Due to the merger or cooperation of two or more people are to achieve a common goal is what is called as an organization.(Hazil and Panglaykim, 1975, Sutarto 1993).

According to Polak (1976) and Soekanto (1986)called an organization is a group that deliberately formed or made structures, which regulates the relationship to one another on the number of people to achieve certain goals , What is meant by the structure is an arrangement of a pattern of relationships between internal rather stable. A structure consists of: (1) a series of statuses or positions of its members; (2) roles relating to statuses that; and (3) cultural elements such as values, norms, and a model that maintains, justifies, and glorifies structure.

Understanding the organization according to Sutarto (1993) based on the study of a number of definitions suggested by experts can be classified into three types, namely:
  1. As a group of people;
  2. As the process of division of labor;
  3. As a cooperation system, a system of relationships or social system.

Sutarto with reference to the opinion of The Liang Gie argued that the organization is not a group of people and it's not just a division of labor, but rather as a collaborative system, system of relationships, social systems, so that the organization can be defined as "a system of mutual influence between people in the group who work together to achieve specific purpose ".

While that is a non-Profit Organization is a social grouping formed by the community, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which serves as a means of public participation in the development of the nation. As beings who have always lived together, the human form of social organization to achieve certain goals that they could not achieve on their own.

There are two terms used, namely " social institution " and "civil society". Anthropologists mengislahkan " social Intitution " (emphasis on value systems) Sociologist termed social institutions or social organizations (emphasizing the norm system that has the form and the abstract)

Initially formed social institution of norms that are considered important in life to society. The formation of social institutions came from individuals who need each other, then ups the rules of the so-called social norms. Social institutions are often also described as a social Institution. Social institutions is a procedure that has been created to regulate human relationships in a container called the Association. Association has a set of rules, rules, members and a clear purpose, so tangible concrete.

Definition and Examples Community Social Organization According Ahli_

Characteristics of Social Organizations
  • Formality, pointing to the existence of a written formulation of regulations, statutes, procedures, policies, goals, strategies, and more
  • Hierarchy, pointing to the existence of a pattern of power and authority in the form of a pyramid.
  • The magnitude and complexity, has many members so that social relations between members indirectly (impersonal)
  • The formulation of the limits of operation (organization) clear
  • Have a clear identity.
  • Formal membership, status and role.

According Berelson and Steiner (1964: 55) an organization can be characterized as follows:
  • Formalities, is a hallmark of social organization that pointed to the existence of a written formulation than peratutan-laws, statutes, procedures, policies, goals, strategies, and so on.
  • Hierarchy, is characteristic of an organization that refers to the existence of a pattern of power and authority in the form of a pyramid, meaning that there are certain people who have position and power as well as a higher authority than the ordinary members of the organization.
  • The magnitude and complexity, in this case in general social organization has many members so that social relations between members is indirect (impersonal), these symptoms usually known as symptoms of "bureaucracy".
  • The length (duration), refers to himself that the existence of an organization longer than the membership of the people in the organization.

There is also a state that the social organization, has several other features that relate to the existence of the organization. Among others are:
  • The formulation of the limits of operation (organization) is clear. As discussed above, the organization will give priority to the achievement of objectives based on the decisions that have been agreed. In this case, the operational activities of an organization is limited by statutes that bind based on common interests, as well as meeting the aspirations of its members.
  • Have a clear identity. The organization will be quickly recognized by their surrounding community if it has a clear identity. Identity with regard to information about the organization, the purpose of forming the organization, or the organization where it stands, and so forth.
  • Formal membership, status and role. At each of its members have roles and duties of each in accordance with the agreed limits.

Thus, the organization of several traits that have been raised we will easily distinguish which can be said of the organization and which can not be said to be as an organization.

Types of Organizations

1. Official Formal Organization
Organization formal / official is an organization formed by a group of people / communities that have a well defined structure, which explains the relationships of authority, authority, accountability and responsibility, and have the force of law. Existing structures also explain how to form channels through what communication took place. Then show-specified tasks for each of its members.

2. Informal Organization
Membership of informal organizations can be achieved either consciously or unconsciously, and often difficult to determine the exact time a person becomes a member of the organization. The exact nature of the relationship between members and even the purpose of the organization is concerned not specified.
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