Definition and Examples of Social Stratification According to the experts
Definition and Examples of Social Stratification According to the experts - Literally stratification derived from the Latin word stratum meaningful levels. So that social stratification is a difference of individuals or groups in a society that puts a person at the social classes varying hierarchy and provides rights and obligations are different also between individuals in a layer other social.
The social stratification arise because of something that is considered valuable in society. According Pitirim Sorokin, a system of stratification is the distinction population or society into classes - classes in stages, which is manifested in high grade, medium grade and low grade. In the essay entitled "Social Stratification" he said that the system of layers in society that is characteristic of a fixed and common in people who live regularly.
When Max Weber regarded as a classification of persons included in a social system specific to the layers of hierarchical according to the dimensions of power, privilege and prestige.
Meanwhile, according to Soerjono Soekanto , social stratification is to distinguish the position of a person or group in a different position vertically. Usually stratification based on the position obtained through a series of continuing this effort.
Social stratification based on status obtained through certain industries, namely:
Social stratification is obtained naturally, namely:
Basics of Social Coating Formation
size or prominent or dominant criteria as the basis for the establishment of social stratification is as follows:
1. Measures of wealth
Wealth (material or material) can be used as the size of the placement of members of the community into the social layers that exist, whoever has a wealth of the most where it will include the top layer in the system of social stratification, and vice versa, which do not have the resources to be classified into the lower layer. Wealth can be seen among others in the form of shelter, objects owned tertiary, way of dress, as well as in shopping habits, as well as the ability to share with others
2. The size of the power and authority of the
person who has the most power or authority will occupy the top layer of the coating system of society is concerned. Size power often can not be separated from measures of wealth, because the rich in society generally can master other people who are not rich, or conversely, the power and authority can bring riches.
3. Size honor
sizes can honor apart from measures of wealth or power. People respected or honored will occupy the top layer of the coating system of social communities. The size of this honor is very pronounced in traditional societies, they are usually very respectful of the people who many services to the community, the parents or the people who behave and virtuous.
4. Size science
size science is often used by members of the public who appreciate science. Someone who had the most knowledge will occupy the higher layers in the system of social stratification of the community. Mastery of this knowledge is usually found in the titles of academic (scholarship), or profession carried by a person, such as doctors, engineers, with a doctorate, doctoral or professional degree such as professor. But haunting the negative consequences of this condition if the titles that carried the more highly rated than the knowledge that it controls, so many people are trying in ways that are not right to obtain a degree, for example by buying thesis, bribing, diploma false and so on.
The nature of social stratification
by its nature, social stratification in society consists of:
1. Outdoor stratification
social stratification open is the stratification system in which every member of the community can move from one strata / level one to the other tiers. This occurs because the system:
For example, such as level of education, wealth, position, power and so on. Someone who was poor and ignorant can change the appearance and social stratum to be higher due to great lengths to turn yourself into a better school, college, courses and master many skills so he got a job with a high level fee / high income.
2. Stratification closed
stratification closed is stratification in which each member of the community can not be moved into strata or social rank higher or lower.
Examples of social stratification closed is like the caste system in India and Bali as well as in Java, the blood type blue and groups ordinary people. Unlikely offspring of ordinary people like the poor farmers could be gentility / aristocratic blue blood.
Function of Social Stratification
function of social stratification is as follows:
Forms of Social Stratification
In society there are various forms of social stratification . The form will be affected by what criteria or factors relied upon. Here we learn some form of social stratification according to several criteria, namely economic, social, and political.
1. Social Stratification Based Economic Criteria
social stratification in the economic field will distinguish residents or citizens according to the control and ownership of the material. In this case there are groups of people based on land ownership, and there is based on activities in the field of economics to use your skills. In other words, income, wealth, and jobs will divide members of society into various layers or social classes in society.
According to Max Webber, social stratification based on economic criteria to divide society into classes based on land ownership and Repository object. The class class is top class (upper class), middle class (middle class), and the lower classes (lower class). One thing to keep in mind that social stratification based on economic criteria are open-ended. It means allowing someone who is at the lower classes to rise to the upper class, and instead allow a person who is in a class above to get down to the lower class or lower class. It depends on the skill and tenacity of those concerned.
One example of social stratification based on the economic factor is the ownership of land on a farm in Indonesian society. A form of social stratification are landowners, tenant farmers and tenants, as well as farm laborers.
A. Landowners divided into layers below.
b. Tenant farmers and sharecroppers, those who hire and work the land belonging to landowners usually use sharing system.
C. Farm workers , namely workers who work on the landowners, tenant farmers, sharecroppers, or traders who usually buy rice in paddy fields. 2. Social Stratification Based Social Criteria In general, social stratification based on these criteria
The social stratification arise because of something that is considered valuable in society. According Pitirim Sorokin, a system of stratification is the distinction population or society into classes - classes in stages, which is manifested in high grade, medium grade and low grade. In the essay entitled "Social Stratification" he said that the system of layers in society that is characteristic of a fixed and common in people who live regularly.
When Max Weber regarded as a classification of persons included in a social system specific to the layers of hierarchical according to the dimensions of power, privilege and prestige.
Meanwhile, according to Soerjono Soekanto , social stratification is to distinguish the position of a person or group in a different position vertically. Usually stratification based on the position obtained through a series of continuing this effort.
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Social stratification based on status obtained through certain industries, namely:
- Stratification in education
- Stratification in the field of employment
- Stratification in economics (social class)
Social stratification is obtained naturally, namely:
- Based on the age of social stratification
- Social stratification due to seniority
- Social stratification by sex
- Social stratification based on kinship systems
- Social stratification based on membership in a particular group
size or prominent or dominant criteria as the basis for the establishment of social stratification is as follows:
1. Measures of wealth
Wealth (material or material) can be used as the size of the placement of members of the community into the social layers that exist, whoever has a wealth of the most where it will include the top layer in the system of social stratification, and vice versa, which do not have the resources to be classified into the lower layer. Wealth can be seen among others in the form of shelter, objects owned tertiary, way of dress, as well as in shopping habits, as well as the ability to share with others
2. The size of the power and authority of the
person who has the most power or authority will occupy the top layer of the coating system of society is concerned. Size power often can not be separated from measures of wealth, because the rich in society generally can master other people who are not rich, or conversely, the power and authority can bring riches.
3. Size honor
sizes can honor apart from measures of wealth or power. People respected or honored will occupy the top layer of the coating system of social communities. The size of this honor is very pronounced in traditional societies, they are usually very respectful of the people who many services to the community, the parents or the people who behave and virtuous.
4. Size science
size science is often used by members of the public who appreciate science. Someone who had the most knowledge will occupy the higher layers in the system of social stratification of the community. Mastery of this knowledge is usually found in the titles of academic (scholarship), or profession carried by a person, such as doctors, engineers, with a doctorate, doctoral or professional degree such as professor. But haunting the negative consequences of this condition if the titles that carried the more highly rated than the knowledge that it controls, so many people are trying in ways that are not right to obtain a degree, for example by buying thesis, bribing, diploma false and so on.
The nature of social stratification
by its nature, social stratification in society consists of:
1. Outdoor stratification
social stratification open is the stratification system in which every member of the community can move from one strata / level one to the other tiers. This occurs because the system:
- Racial differences and value systems
- The division of tasks (specialization)
- Scarcity of rights and obligations
For example, such as level of education, wealth, position, power and so on. Someone who was poor and ignorant can change the appearance and social stratum to be higher due to great lengths to turn yourself into a better school, college, courses and master many skills so he got a job with a high level fee / high income.
2. Stratification closed
stratification closed is stratification in which each member of the community can not be moved into strata or social rank higher or lower.
Examples of social stratification closed is like the caste system in India and Bali as well as in Java, the blood type blue and groups ordinary people. Unlikely offspring of ordinary people like the poor farmers could be gentility / aristocratic blue blood.
Function of Social Stratification
function of social stratification is as follows:
- Distribution privileges objective, such as determining the income, wealth, authority in the office
- Pertanggaan system (levels) in the strata of society which created concerns the prestige and awards, for example the person who received the gift of the award / title / knighthood
- Criteria contention system, whether acquired through personal qualities, group membership, certain relatives, ownership, authority or power
- Determining symbols (status symbol) or position, such as behavior, dress and form home
- Floor easily to switch positions
- tools solidarity
- 9 among individuals or groups who occupy the same social system in society
Forms of Social Stratification
In society there are various forms of social stratification . The form will be affected by what criteria or factors relied upon. Here we learn some form of social stratification according to several criteria, namely economic, social, and political.
1. Social Stratification Based Economic Criteria
social stratification in the economic field will distinguish residents or citizens according to the control and ownership of the material. In this case there are groups of people based on land ownership, and there is based on activities in the field of economics to use your skills. In other words, income, wealth, and jobs will divide members of society into various layers or social classes in society.
According to Max Webber, social stratification based on economic criteria to divide society into classes based on land ownership and Repository object. The class class is top class (upper class), middle class (middle class), and the lower classes (lower class). One thing to keep in mind that social stratification based on economic criteria are open-ended. It means allowing someone who is at the lower classes to rise to the upper class, and instead allow a person who is in a class above to get down to the lower class or lower class. It depends on the skill and tenacity of those concerned.
One example of social stratification based on the economic factor is the ownership of land on a farm in Indonesian society. A form of social stratification are landowners, tenant farmers and tenants, as well as farm laborers.
A. Landowners divided into layers below.
- Landowners and more than 2 hectares.
- Landowners between 1-2 hectares.
- Landowners between 0.25-1 hectares.
- Landowners and less than 0.25 hectares.
b. Tenant farmers and sharecroppers, those who hire and work the land belonging to landowners usually use sharing system.
C. Farm workers , namely workers who work on the landowners, tenant farmers, sharecroppers, or traders who usually buy rice in paddy fields. 2. Social Stratification Based Social Criteria In general, social stratification based on these criteria
are closed. Thus social stratification is generally contained in a feudal society, caste and racial communities.
A. Social Stratification in the Feudal Society
Society is a feudal society in preindustrial situation, which historically is a change of bond slaves or slaves with the landlord. Relations between the two groups was a relationship between the ruling and ruled yan, and the interaction is very limited. Then the spirit of a colonial feudalism applied in Indonesia and there intergroup divisions, so that in feudal society, social stratification occurs as follows.
b) Social Stratification on Caste Society
Society demanding caste distinctions intergroup firmer again. Intergroup relations are taboo, closed, it can even be punished society. It so happens in caste communities in India. The term for caste in India is yati, and the system is called varna. According to the book Reg ancient Indian Vedic society was found four varna arranged hierarchically from top to bottom, that brahmin, knight, vaisya, and Shudra. Caste brahmin caste is composed of priests and regarded as the highest caste. The Knights is a caste consisting of nobles and soldiers, is regarded as second class.Vaisya a caste consisting of traders, and is seen as a third layer. While the Shudra caste is composed of ordinary The people (commoners). In addition, there are people who do not caste or not included in varna. They are the class of pariah.
Based on the above can be identified that the characteristics of caste is as follows.
In Indonesia, social stratification based on caste can we meet the people of Bali. However, pengkastaannya not too rigid and closed as is the case in India. Pengkastaan in Bali called a dynasty. The social stratification is as follows.
A. Brahmins,
the highest caste level in Bali. This caste usually occupied by religious leaders. Degree for people who are included in this caste is Ida Bagus for men and Ida Ayu for women.
B. Knight,
a second stage after the Brahmins. Usually occupying this caste are the nobles. Degree for people who are included in this caste is Cokorda, god, or the Middle.
C. Vaishya,
a third level after the knight. Usually occupying this caste are the traders. Degree for people who are included in this caste is or Gusti Bagus.
D. Sudras,
the lowest level in the caste system in Bali. This caste usually occupied by workers or laborers.Degree for people who are included in this caste is Pande, Kbon, or Pasek.
C) Social Stratification on Racial Society
Society is a society that recognize racial differences in skin color. This stratification system have occurred in South Africa, where the white race is superior when compared to the black race.Differences in skin color in South Africa at that time affect different areas of life that was later called apartheid. In the apartheid policy, all aspects of life, including health, education, housing, jobs and even determined whether the person is included whites or blacks. Although the white races including the minority, but they occupy a respectable position in comparison with the majority of the black race. To maintain the dominance of economic and political power, the white race developed the theory of racism is accompanied with inhuman acts.
3. Social Stratification Based on Political Criteria
social stratification based on political criteria related to the power possessed by members of the public, where there is a party-controlled, and there are those who master. Forms of power in a particular community in the world with a diverse pattern of each. But, in general, there is a general pattern that exists in every society. Despite the changes experienced by the people that led to the birth of new patterns, but the general pattern will always appear on the basis of old patterns prevailing before.
The shape and power systems always adapt to the customs and behavior patterns prevailing in the society. A clear boundary between the ruling to the ruled is always there, and the limits of that which led to the birth stratification or coating in society.
Mac Iver in his book entitled " The Web of Government " mentioned there are three general patterns system power coating or the pyramid of power, namely :
a. Caste Type
Type caste is the type or power coating system with the separation line is firm and rigid. Type of this kind usually found in caste society that is hardly the case of vertical social mobility. The dividing line between each layer is almost impossible to penetrate.
The peak of the pyramid is occupied by the highest authorities, such as the emperor, king, and so on, with the environment that is supported by the nobility, the army, and the theologians. The next layer is successively craftsmen, servants, farmers, farm laborers, and slaves.
b. Type Oligarchic
This type has a clear dividing line, but the basic distinction of social classes is determined by the culture of the community. This type is similar to the type of caste, but individuals are given the opportunity to ride the coating. In each layer can also be found layers more specifically, while the difference between one layer to the other layers are not so obvious. The top layer is composed of kings, high officials, businessmen, lawyers. The second layer is composed of artisans, farmers and traders. The third layer is composed of farm laborers and slaves.
c. Democratic Type
is the type of power that shows the reality will aanya dividing line between laipsan that is flexible.Positions are determined by the ability and sometimes the luck factor. The top layer is composed of leaders of political parties, leaders of large organizations, rich people. A middle layer consists of administration officials, on the basis of class membership, farmers and traders. The last layer is composed of workers and peasants lowly.
In rural communities (Java) then coating the social system are:
Social stratification in the colonial period are as follows:
A. Social Stratification in the Feudal Society
Society is a feudal society in preindustrial situation, which historically is a change of bond slaves or slaves with the landlord. Relations between the two groups was a relationship between the ruling and ruled yan, and the interaction is very limited. Then the spirit of a colonial feudalism applied in Indonesia and there intergroup divisions, so that in feudal society, social stratification occurs as follows.
- Sitters, made up of descendants of kings and nobles.
- Middle class, made up of groups of soldiers and government officials.
- Under Group, consisting of the common people.
b) Social Stratification on Caste Society
Society demanding caste distinctions intergroup firmer again. Intergroup relations are taboo, closed, it can even be punished society. It so happens in caste communities in India. The term for caste in India is yati, and the system is called varna. According to the book Reg ancient Indian Vedic society was found four varna arranged hierarchically from top to bottom, that brahmin, knight, vaisya, and Shudra. Caste brahmin caste is composed of priests and regarded as the highest caste. The Knights is a caste consisting of nobles and soldiers, is regarded as second class.Vaisya a caste consisting of traders, and is seen as a third layer. While the Shudra caste is composed of ordinary The people (commoners). In addition, there are people who do not caste or not included in varna. They are the class of pariah.
Based on the above can be identified that the characteristics of caste is as follows.
- Membership is based on inheritance or birth. In the caste, the quality of a person does not become a calculation.
- Membership lasts for life unless removed from the cast.
- Endogenous marriage and had been the person who sekasta. A man can marry lower caste women, but can not marry a woman who has a higher caste.
- Antarkasta relations with other social groups is very limited.
- Membership of a caste consciousness is evident among others in the name of caste, the identification of members of the caste, and the strict conformity to the norms of caste.
- Bound by positions which are traditionally defined. This means that lower castes have less access to education and well-being, let alone occupy important positions in the government.
- The prestige of a caste properly addressed.
- The lower castes are part of a higher caste, so in daily life can be controlled continuously.
In Indonesia, social stratification based on caste can we meet the people of Bali. However, pengkastaannya not too rigid and closed as is the case in India. Pengkastaan in Bali called a dynasty. The social stratification is as follows.
A. Brahmins,
the highest caste level in Bali. This caste usually occupied by religious leaders. Degree for people who are included in this caste is Ida Bagus for men and Ida Ayu for women.
B. Knight,
a second stage after the Brahmins. Usually occupying this caste are the nobles. Degree for people who are included in this caste is Cokorda, god, or the Middle.
C. Vaishya,
a third level after the knight. Usually occupying this caste are the traders. Degree for people who are included in this caste is or Gusti Bagus.
D. Sudras,
the lowest level in the caste system in Bali. This caste usually occupied by workers or laborers.Degree for people who are included in this caste is Pande, Kbon, or Pasek.
C) Social Stratification on Racial Society
Society is a society that recognize racial differences in skin color. This stratification system have occurred in South Africa, where the white race is superior when compared to the black race.Differences in skin color in South Africa at that time affect different areas of life that was later called apartheid. In the apartheid policy, all aspects of life, including health, education, housing, jobs and even determined whether the person is included whites or blacks. Although the white races including the minority, but they occupy a respectable position in comparison with the majority of the black race. To maintain the dominance of economic and political power, the white race developed the theory of racism is accompanied with inhuman acts.
3. Social Stratification Based on Political Criteria
social stratification based on political criteria related to the power possessed by members of the public, where there is a party-controlled, and there are those who master. Forms of power in a particular community in the world with a diverse pattern of each. But, in general, there is a general pattern that exists in every society. Despite the changes experienced by the people that led to the birth of new patterns, but the general pattern will always appear on the basis of old patterns prevailing before.
The shape and power systems always adapt to the customs and behavior patterns prevailing in the society. A clear boundary between the ruling to the ruled is always there, and the limits of that which led to the birth stratification or coating in society.
Mac Iver in his book entitled " The Web of Government " mentioned there are three general patterns system power coating or the pyramid of power, namely :
a. Caste Type
Type caste is the type or power coating system with the separation line is firm and rigid. Type of this kind usually found in caste society that is hardly the case of vertical social mobility. The dividing line between each layer is almost impossible to penetrate.
The peak of the pyramid is occupied by the highest authorities, such as the emperor, king, and so on, with the environment that is supported by the nobility, the army, and the theologians. The next layer is successively craftsmen, servants, farmers, farm laborers, and slaves.
This type has a clear dividing line, but the basic distinction of social classes is determined by the culture of the community. This type is similar to the type of caste, but individuals are given the opportunity to ride the coating. In each layer can also be found layers more specifically, while the difference between one layer to the other layers are not so obvious. The top layer is composed of kings, high officials, businessmen, lawyers. The second layer is composed of artisans, farmers and traders. The third layer is composed of farm laborers and slaves.
c. Democratic Type
is the type of power that shows the reality will aanya dividing line between laipsan that is flexible.Positions are determined by the ability and sometimes the luck factor. The top layer is composed of leaders of political parties, leaders of large organizations, rich people. A middle layer consists of administration officials, on the basis of class membership, farmers and traders. The last layer is composed of workers and peasants lowly.
In rural communities (Java) then coating the social system are:
- The first layer is the gentry class, namely government employees in the formal leadership of the village or in the village
- Kenceng coolie class, namely the land owners who also as middlemen
- Bald coolie class, namely rice cultivators with the rental system
- Kuli coral kopek, including farm workers who only have the house and the yard but do not have agricultural land yourself
- Goon tlosor namely class farm laborers, had no home and garden soil
Social stratification in the colonial period are as follows:
- Group Europe (the Netherlands, Portugal, France)
- Group Orientals (Chinese, Arab, India)
- Bumiputeras
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